Capita assessors STILL refusing to disclose qualifications | jaynelinney
This neatly follows a discussion in a Vox Political comment column today. The commenter was discussing the qualifications of the ‘health care professionals’ carrying out work capability assessment medical tests, and This Writer pointed out that many refuse to divulge their qualifications.
Some use the request as an excuse to close down the interview – although that is not suggested in Jayne’s article.
Despite the DWP informing Capita it is a “requirement” that PIP assessors must reveal qualifications, it transpires that in Leicester at least, this information has not been passed down.
Source: Capita assessors STILL refusing to disclose qualifications | jaynelinney
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thanks Mike – as always its left to us to get the TRUTH out xx
I would not let a unproven plumber look at my boiler, why should the ‘assessed’ let a unqualified personnel examine their person – details?
If the genuinely poor have nothing to worry about, then the genuinely qualified have nothing to worry about. Doctors have to be registered, boiler fitters have to be registerd, the list is endless. Given wrongful decisions lead to despair, destitution and sometimes death, it seems perfectly acceptable to request to see their CVs.
I had a PIP assessment with Capita earlier in the year in NW Wales and the assessor was quite open about her ‘qualifications’. She was a retired psychiatric nurse. I suffer from primary generalsied osteoarthritis. Unlikely as it may sound it turned out OK.
Clearly your assessor didn’t have anything to hide!
Capita collect alot of money every year in taxpayers money – we have a right to know it is not being spent on unqualified lackeys.
More cloak and dagger behaviour from the treacherous tories, everyone else has to disclose everything, why shouldn’t they!
Private Eye covered Crapita floundering trying to find assessors for reduce their backlog since 2013. June found them making up fake scripts to hide short staff situations. Crapita apparently needs 90 recruits to cover Wales,Central England and N. ireland…this just 5 months after letting go 80 redundancies. Internal e.mail disclosed offerring £500 referrals to existing staff to find nurses, physiotherapists and paramedics to join asap. Salary £32k plus expenses,laptop and phone and like Maximus, who took over from Atos for fitness to work tests , both are now in danger of tempting overworked and needed staff from the NHS front line. Issue 1401 page 39
Tweeted @melissacade68
Even in the forces you say your name rank and number but atos crapita maximus well giving out details isnt their way you could be the office tea person hobling on the side
Perhaps they should all be issued with visiting cards capturing their name, contact details and of course their qualifications. Hopefully all their qualifications and cv’s have all been checked out robustly…and the Gov. departments are carrying out sample double checks to ensure the contractors HR systems are firing on all cylinders.