David Cameron’s threat to leave EU is security risk, says Keir Starmer
The former director of public prosecutions, Keir Starmer, has accused David Cameron of putting national security and the fight against terrorism at risk by flirting with the possibility of Britain leaving the European Union.
Writing in the Observer, Starmer, who is now a Labour MP, argues that the growing threat posed by international terrorists, as well as cross-border criminals including paedophiles, has created an urgent need for more, not less, cooperation between European governments and institutions in order to keep Britons safe.
His intervention is part of an attempt by pro-EU campaigners to widen the debate about the benefits of membership beyond mere economics to issues of security and the key role of international bodies in sharing information about terrorists and other criminals who increasingly operate across borders.
Source: David Cameron’s threat to leave EU is security risk, says Keir Starmer | Law | The Guardian
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At last. Someone who is looking to widen the EU debate beyond the normal UKIP type reasons of “cost” and “loss of sovereinty”. Bet it doesnt get mentioned by the Daily Mail despite their recent worries about terrorism articles.
At last a credible voice of reason advocating continued membership of EU for reasons otgernthan the supposed”cost” and
for Cameron its all about legacy and avoiding being tagged the PM who divided the UK.