EU referendum expected in September as hopes fade of deal next month

David Cameron and Viktor Orbán in Budapest. They’re not shaking hands over any in-work benefits deal [Image: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images].
Cameron’s dream of getting Europe to accept his demands is proving to be just that – a dream.
Consensus is growing among pro- and anti-EU campaigners that the referendum on Britain’s membership of the bloc will not be held until September, amid signs that a deal on David Cameron’s reform proposals will be delayed until March.
As the prime minister faced calls from Viktor Orbán, his Hungarian counterpart, to alter his proposal to ban EU citizens from claiming in-work benefits for four years, sources on both sides played down the prospect of a deal by No 10’s preferred date of February.
The two camps agree that more work will need to be done to address concerns in eastern and central Europe that the benefits proposal is discriminatory.
A failure to reach a deal at an EU summit next month would push the negotiations to the annual spring European council in mid-March, making September the earliest date that a referendum could be held.
Source: EU referendum expected in September as hopes fade of deal next month | Politics | The Guardian
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its just like the rest of his waffle, on any subject you care to name.
never known a PM like him to promise so much and deliver so little.
Cameron is wasting time and taxpayers money. He is crazy to think that potentially racist policies of welfare will be agreed by EU partner governments.
workfare is the only way he can save face in the future. DWP are already familiar with this as there is a USA company doing the sanctions and welfare and job suitability tests. shame on all tory voters
Except the Daily Telegraph thinks otherwise! According to them Cameron has got the Hungarian PM to agree to his demand no4. Hungary? What about the other 27?
No doubt Hameron will be shuttling all around Europe in Air Pigforce One at our (enormous) cost.
Air Pork One. It’s run by SleazyJet