Cameron’s plan to betray Britain: Will he extend tax credits ban to British expats?
Yet again, it seems, Cameron betrays the UK.
He set out hoping to persuade the EU to accept the withdrawal of UK in-work benefits from migrant workers; now it seems he’ll use the same plan to withdraw the same benefits from UK citizens who have been working abroad.
Neither act would be remotely fair.
In-work benefits are paid because neoliberal governments like Cameron’s and those of Brown, Blair, Major and Thatcher before him, failed to hold employers to a simple standard regarding the workforce: Payment of a “living” wage that covers all their costs.
Without a living wage, in-work benefits – tax credits – were devised to stop people from going into debt.
Now it seems Cameron is planning to withdraw those benefits from EU migrants and UK expatriates alike, making it uneconomical for this country’s own citizens to return to the land of their birth. That is a betrayal.
And how long will it be before he tries to take the same benefits from people here in the UK? Tax credits are set to become part of Universal Credit, but it would be a lot cheaper for the Tories if they were dissolved altogether.
They don’t care that this would throw low-paid workers into a deep debt trap. It’s what they want. A worker in debt is a desperate worker, and a desperate worker will accept substandard conditions.
You’d better pray that the other EU countries see through this and turn him down.
British expatriates could be banned from claiming tax credits for up to four years as part of a compromise deal David Cameron is negotiating with fellow EU leaders, the Guardian understands.
In an attempt to win support for his proposal to ban EU migrants from claiming in-work benefits for four years, the prime minister is looking at whether the ban could apply to Britons who live abroad for four years or more.
The plan could prove controversial among British workers who take advantage of EU free movement rules to relocate to countries such as Spain, and who would expect to be able to top up low wages through tax credits on their return to Britain.
Source: Cameron could extend tax credits ban to British expats to reach EU deal | Politics | The Guardian
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If a UK ex-pat leaves a EU country to return to the UK and the UK stop any tax credits they may qualify for how does this benefit the EU country they are leaving?
Cameron is crazy to take these actions. it is predictable that he has to bring UK nationals into his proposals to avoid allegations of racism. Workfare is the next logical step for tories if enough imbeciles vote for them in 2020.
why? there is an american company managing the DWP.
No, there is not an American company managing the DWP. Why do you think otherwise?
Can you clear something up for me Mike? So often, when this issue of refusal of benefits to EU migrants comes up, the response is that migrants claim the benefits from the UK government, who then claim them back from the migrant’s home country. Is this untrue or does it only apply to certain benefits and not others?
Unemployment benefits – it’s as you describe. But in-work benefits are paid by the UK government. This makes perfect sense as tax credits are paid for the benefit working people do the economy.
Thanks Mike.
Cameron is already a man with zero credibility in the EU. He is like the Double Glazing salesman that will never take NO! for an answer and keeps knocking on your door with a revised offer.I expect they have a jolly good giggle behind his back after the obligatory photo shaking hands!