It seems the Tories are trying to rewrite their own history again. So please share #savile
Remember when the Conservative Party erased all its webpages containing promises made before the general election of 2010 – only to find that they had been archived elsewhere?
Apparently they’re now trying to do the same with another embarrassing part of their past – which is why This Writer found the following image on his Twitter feed this evening:
And this one:
And this one, which puts the first two into perspective:
Perhaps the only image that could be more damaging to the Tories right now would be one showing Savile’s opinion of the EU.
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There are plenty of pictures of Savile with Labour politicians.
Oh really?
He was a supporter of the Conservative Party, and the Conservative Party supported him.
all tory mps are weirdos and their voters they are all scum of the earth
That’s an interesting view of 11,334,576 UK citizens who voted for Conservative candidates in the last election.
Considering the misbehaviour of those Conservative candidates in the months since then, it is easier to sympathise with Mr McGuire than with you.
No doubt Saville was odious Tory scum but you don’t do your cause justice by perpetuating internet myths. There pretty good evidence that picture of the van is photoshopped. Judge for yourself but if say the other two pictures (presumably not faked) are bad enough.
Read the article again.
It does not make any claim about the authenticity of ANY of the photographs. I simply stated that they had appeared on my Twitter feed, apparently in response to a claim that the Tories are trying to wipe their association with Jimmy Savile from their history.
As part of a story showing what is happening on Twitter, the photoshopped image is perfectly valid, of course.
The Tories supported child molesters. Now proven
Paedophiles always stick together to share prey, something similar to the leading party of nasty people. All for one and all for one.
11 new years eve with Thatcher! That really puts it into perspective…
that photo is fake, if you google “vw fixed it for jim” you will see that its a blank blue car and there are photos from more than one angle. This is your source of income, why are you doing less research than a casual reader?
See my response to Pete. I didn’t need to research whether the image was fake or not because the story is about what was happening on Twitter.
Great research Mike…..
Great misreading of the article, Gary. See my responses to Pete and Jake.
don’t believe everything that you see, that first image is photoshopped. as three seconds googling would have taught you. when you share anti-tory memes without checking first, you make us all look stupid and credulous.
You really should have read the article.
Perhaps you could show me where I said the image was real?
Never mind. Perhaps you’ll have better luck with my responses to those who have written in, expressing similar concerns.
As for making you look stupid and credulous, I don’t think you need me to do that for you.
I always read all the posts and often wonder why others don’t lol x
Top image – fake, alas..
I’m not a fan of the guy, and certainly no fan of the Cons, but neither am I a fan of propaganda, whether it’s created by left or right. The original picture:
I feel sorry for VW choosing him to endorse their vehicles
Yes indeed.
As for the image being a fake – so it seems.
Good thing I never suggested otherwise and was merely commenting on what was happening on Twitter, isn’t it?
While I’m no fan of the Tories or Savile, I’m afraid I’m going to have to question the authenticity of that wonderful image of Savile and the Vote Conservative van. It is in fact a photoshop of one of the pictures from a photoshoot for VW. Some months ago I remember reading a thread on Facebook where the original artist, who had made a political satire of it, was concerned that his signature had been edited out and that the image was being circulated as a real image and not artistic satire. He had never intended it to be mistaken for fact. Somebody else then accused him of infringing VW’s copyright by cropping the original image to remove their logo, and it all went rather unpleasant. I wish I could find that thread so I could find the artist’s name (his work is quite prolific), but alas I think it may have been on the “I’m Backing Jeremy Corbyn” group which completely vanished as a result of a malicious attack last month.
For now, here’s a link to the unshopped photo. I’ll keep searching for more info and get back to you if I’m successful.
All very interesting.
Of course, Savile DID support the Conservative Party, and had a long, and very close, relationship with Margaret Thatcher while she was prime minister, as is briefly documented in the second and third images.
The article was about the possibility that the current Conservative Party is trying to wipe this connection from its history.
In that context, fake or not, the image in question correctly illustrates that connection, although it may have been better for the person who used it on Twitter to have made its origins clear.
Just found out the van one has been photoshopped from a VW advert
Lots of other people have made this point.
Good thing it doesn’t detract from the article, isn’t it?
People are pointing out that the photo of Savile and van is a montage because they realise that spreading a lie in the service of truth only damages the cause, and provides ammunition to Tory supporters who will tout it as evidence that the left has to lie to get its point across. Since Mike obviously knew from the start that the picture was not accurate (even though the relationship it describes is), it wouldn’t hurt the article – and would increase its integrity – if he briefly pointed out the fact that the picture is a photoshop job from the very beginning.
Should I be surprised that people are starting to fabricate conspiracy theories about me now?
Is it really so hard to believe that my motives in publishing the article were exactly as I have stated?
I have nothing to hide, and nothing to gain from taking this position – as the claims of critics such as yourself should make abundantly clear to anyone reading this who still has an open mind.
Perhaps it would be more fruitful to examine your motives?
too many on here going on about the photoshopped van and not enough mentioning that Saville spent E L E V E N New Years with Thatcher, which is the real issue here. Tory trolls
Mike – I’m afraid I have to join with the others and point out that it looks like you are missing their point. The article about the Tories trying to re-write history by using a picture that has already been fabricated to create a story is not a good basis. I think you’d get a bit more respect by at least acknowledging that or removing the photoshopped picture.
I detest both savile and the tories but see no sense in using and perpetuating falsities when there are enough facts to use.
The reason the picture detracts from the article is because it is a fake picture. Simple.
No – you and they have misunderstood the article, which reports on Twitter activity showing that the Tories are trying to remove Savile from their history.
In that context, the photo in question – whether fabricated or not – is entirely acceptable because it is an example of what went up on Twitter that evening.
I wonder what you mean when you claim I am using an perpetuating “falsities” – was a lying about that image going on Twitter? No. While the image was Photoshopped, was it putting forward a false impression of Jimmy Savile and his relationship with the Conservative Party? No.
I am surprised you find these concepts so difficult. I thought I had explained them adequately already.
You know what gets my goat more than anything here…the comments that are more interested in pointing out the fact that the first photo is fake and blasting you with negatives, rather than focusing on the point you are trying to get across. Perhaps being a prolific paedophile and hanging around with some questionable people is less important to them than photoshopping a picture of a sick and twisted man and a blue van. I do find it interesting to see how people react to things these days – desensitized much?
My sentiments exactly
What’s so strange? After his wrong-doings became known everybody wants to disassociate with him. That’s no surprise and doesn’t warrant a footnote let alone an article.
That’s your opinion. I disagree.
Why should the Tories be allowed to think they can whitewash embarrassments like Savile out of their history?
And why are you so keen for them to be allowed to do so?
I have to side with those pointing out that the van photo is fake. It’s intellectually dishonest not to acknowledge that in the main text of the blog, and your defence for not doing so isn’t compelling. While I accept the general point that’s being made, there’s absolutely no reason *not* to point out that the photo is fake.
It wouldn’t detract from your overall argument to do so, and presenting it as if it’s a genuine image that needs no comment makes you seem credulous and willing to buy into any anti-Tory meme at face value.
The real photo of Thatcher with Savile is strong enough on its own. It would make more sense, and be more intellectually honest, to place the van picture last and acknowledge that while it’s not real, it’s still something the Tories would prefer to bury.
Interesting. I would have said you’re siding with those who haven’t read the article properly, nor the comments and my responses to them.
That being said, it has just occurred to me that your response – along with those of all the others who seem so keen to lay false accusations upon me – has helped to prolong the lifespan of this article well past what I would have expected from what is, after all, an observational quickie, and appears to have helped it penetrate to a readership that I would not have expected, otherwise, to reach. So I suppose I should be grateful.
Hi Mike, I am not sure anyone is suggesting you are linked to any conspiracy, and most of the comments have been very favourable to your article. But it appears that using that particular photo has detracted from your intentions. Pictures are very powerful (they paint a thousand words and all that), so it is perhaps not surprising that it has elicited so many comments. Any way, keep up the good work. With all good wishes, Gary
Has it?
How can it have detracted from my intentions when the article has been read by many more people than I ever expected?
It can’t. It hasn’t.
Thanks for the kind words.
Jesus, can you robots stop posting the same damn thing? Read the bloody comments before you post your unoriginal opinion.