Osborne just tried bullying one of Britain’s finest journalists, and it totally backfired | The Canary
Personally, This Writer sees a much closer resemblance between Mao and Osborne. Both represent parties whose policies either killed or ruined the lives of millions of people.
It seems unlikely that Paul Mason is ever going to achieve that kind of kill-rate.
No one has obliterated Osborne like Paul Mason just did.
Paul Mason has only just left Channel Four News, but he is already going head to head with Chancellor George Osborne. On Tuesday, Osborne dropped a go-to Tory smear, upon hearing Mason would contribute to Labour’s The New Economics series:
that revolutionary Marxist broadcaster Paul Mason
Instead of answering Treasury questions at the House of Commons, Osborne also quipped that Labour chose him as an informal adviser, because:
Chairman Mao was dead and Mickey Mouse was busy.
Enter Paul Mason, serving up some cold hard truths for Osborne:
As for the Mao/Mickey Mouse jibe, I was tailed for hours in 2008 in Beijing by the secret police of Mr Osborne’s favourite Marxist government, after interviewing the victims of Mao’s Great Leap Forward. I am happy to state that Mao was a despot whose policies killed millions; I look forward to hearing Mr Osborne say that on his next trip to China.
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George Osborne really is a prize prat. He’s not long been back from China spreading the love with smiles and handshakes and he chooses a quip about Mao? Is Osborne’s brain in back to front?
good for him,great to see someone showing the arrogant Tory filth up for what they are.
Snow addled moron
The hypocrisy of the vile little oik Osborne leaves me speechless…
I think they’ve upped the anti, and are coming out with more and more insults for Labour – you may of seen nothing yet !
His puppet-master must have tangled the strings.
osborne is a yes man to USA puppet masters in politics, cronies, bankers,and tax avoiding corporations. take your pick as to who he is trying to engratiate himself on this occasion.