The posters that show how hypocritical the Leave campaign is
No comment necessary to ram this point home, one suspects.
Eurosceptic campaigners seem to be a bit confused.
David Cameron and the rest of the Remain campaign have been accused multiple times by Brexiteers of “scaremongering” and the so-called “Project Fear”.
Interesting accusation, given the current state of the Leave.EU campaign’s Twitter feed.
There’s this one about the ‘Turks’:
Notice the use of the NHS logo – a use that has been forbidden by the Department of Health.
And this completely non-hysterical one about the EU planning to steal all of our hard-earned money:
We think there’s a pot-calling-kettle moment going on here…
Likewise. However, This Blog did think David Cameron was leaning towards ‘Project Fear’ – until his threat was defused by a comparison with The Office‘s inept David Brent.
Perhaps old habits die hard.
Source: The posters that show how hypocritical the Leave campaign is
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Leave eu took that from a site which is there to save the NHS as such the use of the logo and the picture was already in the public domain, The time bomb of legislation being held back has been raised in the brussels parliament and is shown to be true so the scaremongering is actually presenting the facts, unlike project fear of the remain side where they seem to think we would be in limbo for 10 years following brexit, as if the eu rump wouldn’t want to trade with us although we have a negative trade balance with that particular group of nations.
The NHS logo and letters are registered trademarks owned by the Department of Health to be used in accordance with its brand guidelines.
They can only be used in official NHS communications in support of NHS “core principles and values”, which include being “clear and professional”, “straightforward” and “honest” to avoid misleading information and false promises.”
Was this “site which is there to save the NHS” an official NHS site? No.
Therefore its use is prohibited and that site must take down the offending material at once.
What is its web address?
I haven’t heard one rational, convincing argument for leaving the EU. The stay case isn’t always well put, either, but it makes more sense. Trouble is, that to stay I have to align with the likes of Osborne and Cameron. But the leave campaign is led by a horde of people who are just about certifiable. Johnson must be just about the most selfish and irresponsible polit around these days. Surely no sensible person could align with him.
You don’t have to align with the vile Tories to support staying in the EU. You can say you want to stay for different reasons.
what an unholy alliance the leave team is, Ian Dumkopf Smith,gormless Gove goon Grayling and Priti awful.the team from hell !!
Well David I shall state just one of my reason; Which are many.
Firstly, my unbending personal rule regarding who administers my affairs is that there “must” be accountability. Slowly, painfully, through unionisation, as well as activism inroads were being made regarding oversight (ended by Blair), organised labour, (ended by the dead hand of the belligerent Thatcher regime), and back to the German Agent Edward Heath who betrayed us so appallingly. I wiil stop there for now, but recommend your reading the collaborative book authored by Dr Richard North and Booker called “The EU Deception”.
As a single recent event to point out of the maelstrom of events, I would refer to the comment made by Commissar Malmstrom when asked by a reporter the question of why she felt it was just fine to ignore a petition carring three million plus signatories of European serfs speaking out against the Corporate Power Grab known as the TTIP: A trade agreement purportedley with almost zero relationshipship to trading beyond scrapping safety regulations and the means to grant corporations bailouts through guaranteeing their profitably by……Yup taxpayers money stolen by National and Supranational institutions. Our lives, down to the tiniest detail are micro managed by Bureaucrats who are unelected, unaccountable, and who retain the right to initiate all lawmaking. That in addition to the despicable UN and its rancid Agenda 21 & Agenda 30 projects now well under way thanks to Rogue Governments and Bureaucracies acting with no fear of an accounting with the lives they are attempting to control microcosmically. The EU exista as an TransEuropean Bureaucracy and is an abomination. If the European Union was political, acting with public accountability I would feel differently….Perhaps. An article in the Mail mentions Blair, in the light of a comment from the Lords, saying that Britains General Election was tantamount to electing a dictatorship. How refreshing. Well Government is a corporation; A business trading for profit, so, illegitimate anyway. So is the EU. Look in Dunn & Bradstreet.
Now our dictatorship (take a look at the A***holes we enjoy in power, and what they are doing) hides behind a bigger Dictatorship, who hides behind the Despicable UN. No David everything is wrong and must be redone…If there is time.
Sorry, I forgot to state the comment made by Kommissar Malmstrom, she said:-
“I do not derive my mandate from the European people”
That is the truth. Think about that.