What’s worse, Donald Trump? What this looks like – or what it really is?
Suddenly Donald Trump’s campaign has taken on even more sinister overtones than it had already.
At a rally in Florida on Saturday, Trump called on the crowd to raise their right hands and swear personal loyalty to him, when they come to vote.
The scene is reminiscent of Hitler in 1930s Germany – the crowd with their right hands raised echoing the Nazi salute, and the oath echoing the oaths of personal loyalty to the Nazi leader that Germans were ordered to swear.
Bloomberg’s Steven Dennis tweeted: “I’ve never seen someone swear allegiance to a politician in America, until today. To the Constitution, many times. To the flag, daily.”
Perhaps Trump didn’t realise what he was doing – or didn’t realise how it would appear. Neither omission is acceptable.
If he wins, what will America become?
Donald Trump asked the crowd at his Saturday rally in Orlando, Florida, to raise their rights hands and swear to vote for him in the presidential primary.
“Don’t forget you all raised your hand. You swore. Bad things happen if you don’t live up to what you just did,” the Republican Party front-runner said.
Source: Trump asks rally attendees to swear to vote for him | TheHill
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Doesn’t swearing loyalty to an individual conflict with their oath of allegiance?
HMom…a scene reminiscent of ” The Irresistible Rise of Alberto Ui ” perhaps?
Wasn’t it The Resistable Rise?
We are faced with a stark reality. Trump is an odious bigot, slightly unhinged, who won’t start WW3 while Clinton is a certifiable psychotic genocidal maniac who will start WW3( and despite her lies is no less a bigot than Trump)
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Trump knows exactly what he is doing…..
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So “bad things will happen” to those who pledged alluegence to Trump if they break that oath. That is sailing uncomfortably close to divine retribution. I think it really is as bad as it looks.