The facts are out about another MP – yours, perhaps?
It seems Vox Political may have struck a nerve here!
This Blog published an infographic relating to Southeast Cornwall MP Sheryll Murray earlier, with the comment, “Someone in every constituency should do this for all MPs, AMs, MSPs and MLAs.”
Now we have the facts about Montgomeryshire MP Glyn Davies. They are freely verifiable through
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my local mp is keith vaz,so these people don’t look even a bit dodgy : )
Dodgy though Keith Vaz might, or might not be, he hasn’t voted for any of the appallingly reactionary laws Davies has voted for. Did you get an invite to the Murdoch wedding?
If the tory media won’t out these MP’s it’s up to everyone to do it. Well done. Only the most moronic will fail to see them for what they are & question the wisdom of keeping them in place. Just read IDS’s wiki page,
If he had been in same Private Sector he purports to promote, he would have been sacked & permanently unemployed. That’s why I find his posturing on ultimations puzzling, if he ends up out of government, no one in (Britain) their right mind will employ him. But then, he does show megalomaniac tendencies.
Unfortunately the sort of scum that IDS is always have someone with a use for them, he will no doubt have several vice presidencies and non executive rolls lined up already.
Andrew Griffiths MP; voted 3 times to cut benefits to the disabled, voted against things he was campaigning for in his constituency.
My name is Stewart Jackson: I voted for Air Strikes, Junior Doctors cuts, replacing Trident, “Bedroom Tax”, more restrictive regulation of Unions, Reduced Welfare Spending, ending financial support and job prospects for 16-19 yr olds and university opportunities for the less privileged, increasing VAT, reducing rate of Corporation Tax, selling Englands State owned forests, Badger culling and Fracking.
I voted against Legal Aid, removing Hereditary Peers, Gay Rights and same sex marriage, increasing Tax to incomes above £150,000, Taxes on Bankers Bonuses, higher benefits for the disabled, Parliamentary reform, Mansion Tax, Climate Change measures.
Okay – I’ve used this to make another infographic.
MP for Montgomeryshire? Glyn Davies is more like the MP for the Middle Ages. He sounds even worse than the unspeakable IDS. Is IDS a kind of disease?
” Is IDS a kind of disease?”
What’s the criteria for establishing a (infamous) entry in the Oxford Dictionary?, say, Idscum or such.
It has to be a new word that has fallen into common usage quickly.
i certainly would never vote for this deceitful MP. who does vote for him?
Is anyone in Montgomeryshire willing to own up?
Not me – never!
This is a good idea.The right winged press covers up all the nastiness of the nasty party.They need Outing for what they are.SCUM!!!