Here’s another Labour MP who is betraying the party for cheap publicity
Who cares what Labour nonentity Jess Phillips says?
This Blog doesn’t. I’m only mentioning her here to point out her treachery towards her party, its leader, and the huge number of new members who support him.
She’s just the latest mouthpiece for the right-whingers and Blairites who want to steal the party away from those who are steering it back to its original purpose – and don’t care that they’ll render it permanently toxic in the effort.
Who will vote for a Labour Party that doesn’t stand up for the people who do the work, but instead concentrates on a dwindling Middle Class?
It’s time Ms Phillips accepted the facts of Labour’s situation.
All that’s putting voters off the Labour Party is people like her.
Labour will “absolutely not” win the next general election and Jeremy Corbyn does not want to be prime minister, MP Jess Phillips has said.
The outspoken backbencher dismissed her party’s chances of victory in 2020 as former cabinet minister Yvette Cooper warned the party and trade union movement risked being “left behind” unless it changed to deal with the challenges facing modern Britain.
She told The Observer that the party faced no chance of taking power at the next general election.
Asked if Labour could win she said: “The honest answer is: ‘no, absolutely not’.”
Source: Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Won’t Win 2020 Election And He Doesn’t Want To Be PM, MP Jess Phillips Says
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time Corbyn got rid of all these Tories in the Labour party.
… I can’t believe I voted for this woman.
Thing is though, aren’t people used to all this backstabbing from backbenchers in the Labour Party yet? Funny actually, she was the one who (I can’t remember the programme she was interviewed on) came out and referred to Corbyn as a old man with a white beard or something like that, and said that people wouldn’t vote for that. In other words, openly discriminatory.
She is right: Labour cannot win, but what she (and her peers) appears to be missing is that it is the attitude they are projecting which is the reason they won’t win.
Agreed, up to a point; she (and they) are certainly harming Labour in a big way.
I can’t understand why they don’t realize there is no point in doing this. If the plan is to take back control after Corbyn fails, there would be no point, because they will be seen as traitors and the party would haemorrhage support.
Haha, very well put Mike! WHAT. IS. THE. POINT ??!! I reckon it just shows how stupid some of them are. I would hazard a risky guess that the vast majority joined the party/become supporters, BECAUSE of Corbyn. Personally I think Corbyn is in a very strong position.
She is in the wrong party
She seems to be the go to girl for the BBC, so she has to be in line with their political stance.
Here’s an example of Jeremy’s ability to win over voters. My daughter, whilst in her formative years, when ideas are springing forth, the Blair government was in power. Although I have been a lifelong Labour party member. she refused to join. Well, last Saturday, she accompanied me to hear Jeremy Corbyn give the Keir Hardy lecture at Aberdare sports hall. She was so inspired, as soon as we returned home, she logged on to the Labour party website and joined. May I say, it was a terrific speech and given to a full capacity audience, all upbeat and ready for change.
Best join the tories, then, Jess.
yep about time they all were shown the door
another resignation due soon .Labour party can do without her and the apathy she has shown.
Your opinion means nothing Ms Phillips.You are not fit to lick JCs boots.
at a time when the Tories are in disarray over the referendum, amongst other things, this is not the time for the right wing of the Labour Party to continue their bitching. If they want to discuss politics, okay, but will they shut up with their personal attacks, it does them not credit at all. Of course, it may be that they fear that Jeremy Corbyn may win an prove them all wrong so are determined to make sure that he loses by undermining him at every turn.
Apart from stabbing JC and the Labour membership in the back, according to Jess Phillips voted For:Higher benefits for the disabled, higher taxes on banks, measures to prevent climate change and Against: UK military forces in combat overseas, a reduction in welfare spending, more restrictive regulation of Trade Unions,Reducing of Corporation Tax,Reducing funding from Central Govt. to local councils, A stricter asylum enforcement of Immigration Rules, Greater Regulation of “Fracking” (seems she can’t quite make her mind up on environment issues).
What a shame she has chosen to act as a shill for the Blairite Right and whingers. She was halfway to being decent except for the fact she failed to have an opinion or vote on certain key issues like Trident(never voted) Academies(ditto).
Really useful site this “They Work For You. com”
People who go out canvassing week in week out in all weathers might want to chuck her out of the party. I know I would… without the slightest hesitation whatsoever.
From what I’ve heard recently, apparently Corbyn is starting to assert his authority a little and get firm. So perhaps it might be a case shortly of “stop bickering or get out !”
The one thing we know about centrists Blair ,Brown,Clegg and in other western countries is that they always side with the conservatives on economics.The rise of socialism and the far right across the western world is due to the total failure of a consevative economic model that has dominated for decades.
Are you lumping socialism and the far right together?
I can see why you might but it makes them look similar, when they aren’t.