This brilliant new movement has a way for us all to ‘Stick it to the Tories’ | The Canary

Last Updated: March 10, 2016By

A new movement has just been launched encouraging us all to get out there and ‘stick it to the Tories’.

In collaboration with both national and local Peoples’ Assemblies, Green Party members and other Left activists throughout the rural UK, the West Wales People’s Assembly has launched a grassroots sticker campaign it has coined ‘Stick it to the Tories’.

The not-for-profit online production and distribution centre was set up in response to what Jim Scott, Pembrokeshire Green Party member, described to The Canary as a “no brainer”.  After being inspired by Left Unity’s anti-bedroom tax sticker campaign in 2013, he thought: “why aren’t more people selling stickers?”

The website offers a range of stickers highlighting opposition to fracking, Trident, cuts to disability benefits and TTIP. In addition, there are those in support of our NHS, refugees and the Black Lives Matter movement. Activists may also contribute their own ideas to the creative design and make requests on the group’s Facebook page.

Source: This brilliant new movement has a way for us all to ‘Stick it to the Tories’ (IMAGES, VIDEO) | The Canary

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  1. John Gaines March 10, 2016 at 1:03 pm - Reply

    There’s a name for the bipartisan consensus of party elites: ‘neoliberalism’ and we want no more of that crap.

    The Neoliberalist Greens are going nowhere, the Glib Dems are desperate to cling onto an SDP slither back into Labour line….

    ‘BIN…IT’ and sort out our own ‘Neoliberals’, get them all out of the LABOUR PARTY; WE CANNOT BE DISTRACTED FROM THIS VITAL NECESSITY.

    • Mike Sivier March 10, 2016 at 1:23 pm - Reply

      Neoliberalism is in Labour’s past. Hopefully the membership will keep it that way.

  2. mohandeer March 10, 2016 at 1:06 pm - Reply


  3. Nicola March 10, 2016 at 2:28 pm - Reply

    Greens are against neoliberalism too.

    • John Gaines March 11, 2016 at 9:43 am - Reply

      “Greens are against neoliberalism too”

      Ambiguous Caroline somehow always manages to VOTE against the poor peoples only pleasures, I detest cause related cranks voting us fast forward to Orwell’s 1984.

  4. Brian March 10, 2016 at 3:05 pm - Reply

    Stick it & wipe it, If it takes off, Gov appointed forensics will pull the same trick they did with the riots.

    • Mike Sivier March 10, 2016 at 3:57 pm - Reply


      • Brian March 10, 2016 at 9:50 pm - Reply

        Meaning an ‘example’ policy to criminalize any person found in breach of the Environmental Protection Act,……… by willfully and maliciously……. calling into disrepute the Tory Party.

  5. bevchat March 10, 2016 at 9:19 pm - Reply

    I rather have the NHS the Tories are incompetent lunatics!

  6. Terry Davies March 11, 2016 at 5:42 am - Reply

    its still a good idea given the current political climate of lies, lies and more lies in parliamentary debates, council deliberations, and in election manifestos.
    From this writers observations only Corbyn has any principles all the remainder are deceitful.
    neoliberalism may be a dirty word to some who largely are not affected excessively by the tory policies. However to others its more acceptable. yes we should get out there and stick it to the tories, each and every day until we rid the UK of these parasites and vermin MPs

  7. NMac March 11, 2016 at 9:48 am - Reply

    It is a divided opposition which allows the Tories to gain election victories. The best way to “stick it in them” is quite simply to vote Labour.

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