Here’s why David Cameron was lying about Corporation Tax receipts| Waiting For Godot
David Cameron lies again.
Trouble is, his lie went straight out to the world via the mass media, while the facts will take longer to disseminate via the social media.
That’s how he wins.
Here’s what David Cameron said at PMQs this afternoon:
But is this true? Or, like George Osborne’s claim on income tax receipts last week, is its relationship with the truth a fleeting one?
In the year 2014/15 – the last year for which figures are available– [Corporation Tax receipts] are £43.005bn.
Iain Campbell points out that in 2009/10 receipts were (at £36.628bn) a sum a 20% increase to which gives you that recorded in 2014/15.
If that is the ‘explanation’, Cameron is taking ‘credit’ for policies that Labour introduced: the first cut to Corporation Tax under the Coalition took place with effect from the 2011/12 tax year.
It also invites the observation that in 2008/09 corporation tax receipts were £43.927bn: materially higher than now they are even in cash terms.
Source: David Cameron and Corporation Tax Receipts | Waiting for Godot
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As Richard Murphy (Prof. Economics at City Uni) shows, Cameron and Osborne are misrepresenting date and “fiddling” with it to produce a favourable outcome for the Tory claims:
The same way they “fiddled” with the descriptors on Child Poverty figures.
The same way they “fiddled” the boundary changes to better serve the Tory vote
The same way they “fiddled” the housing “start” and “completion” figures
The same way they “fiddled” the figures on the unemployment records. The list goes on and I dare say others will remember all the other fiddles on stats etc. to justify their policies.
lies, lies, and more lies , is the modus operandum of Liars.
This includes the PM. Blair and Cameron, if the cap fits wear it.