DWP workers please read | The poor side of life
Excellent work. Please copy and distribute.
For too long now, DWP workers have been wrongfully implementing rules that aren’t set in stone.
Nor does the DWP care much for honesty, compassion and common sense.
So we’ve outlined the rules – knowingly ignoring these could well end up with possible court action, with the DWP worker being taken to court.
Before everyone starts laughing, folk have had enough of being treated like rubbish, discriminated against. So take heed, read and learn.
Also for any DWP workers out there that want to do the right thing and feel unable to, this will empower you to be able to treat claimants fairly.
Please note we don’t sit around doing nothing. We work hard challenging and trying to end the barbaric sanctioning regime.
Source: DWP workers please read. | The poor side of life
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Cameron and co are above so it seems, so there won’t be any worries over what the DWP do as THIER bosses are above the law, maybe someone somewhere can do.
It will inevitably fall to charities and steeled characters to effectively challenge the barbaric sanctions, whilst people struggle to survive without the very money they have depended and relied upon. If they have no savings they *may* get a crisis loan. Its a very bad situation with this government!
This is exactly the kind of knowledge required. One precedent set will establish at least some fairness in a corrupt system.
Of course they’re above the law; they, went Eton.
this is long overdue. well done mike and the brave person who made the info accessible. hopefully it will empower both, ie. DWP workers and claimants.
lovely thanks for this info will be of great help to many I will be passing this around
Ok that’s very nice. Now how exactly do I get my case in front of a court or other body that can do anything about it? I have all boxes ticked. I have a protected characteristic. I have had barriers put in front of me every time I tried to get off benefits and be independent. I have been treated unfairly. I have been wrongly informed, I have been the subject of discrimination. The DWP have been unfair, unreasonable and have ignored requests for support. They have ignored the first tier tribunal judge and the independent case examiners by making a decision that I was told could not and was not going to be made. They have lied about decisions made without knowing that I have copies of the computer records as proof. They stopped my benefits for no reason and would not reply to requests for an explanation giving me no choice other than cash in my pension or starve, then repaid my benefits deducting the lump sum obtained from my pension so in effect have stolen it.
So who do I go to next ? The CAB? The local law centre? The DWP complaints resolution team? My MP? Been there done it. None of them have any power to tame four individuals who have taken it upon themselves to destroy my mental and physical health as well as rob me of my savings. There is no legal aid.
So who should I wave this pink leaflet at?
County Court? love to see the bailiffs in Caxton House.