When Tories talk about ‘our NHS’ it means they think they own it already
Wafflers all (Clockwise from top left): David Nuttall, Philip Davies, Philip Hollobone and Sir Edward Leigh.
It’s hard to think of Philip Davies without imagining that the people of Shipley were so disillusioned with Parliament that they sent a motion of the bowels to Westminster as a sign of their low esteem.
The sh*t from Shipley was one of four Tory MPs who waffled their way through the time allotted for Caroline Lucas’s Bill to stop the creeping privatisation of the National Health Service.
By their actions it is therefore easy to conclude that Davies, Philip Hollobone, David Nuttall and Sir Edward Leigh want to take free healthcare away from their constituents as soon as possible.
That’s very bad news if you live in Kettering, Bury North, Gainsborough and the afore-mentioned Shipley.
The bad news for the rest of us is that, by talking pointlessly for no less than three hours and 29 minutes, this Tory trash managed to halt a Bill that would have reversed the trend towards privatisation in our – our – health service.
Even worse is the fact that the law allows them to do this.
There are online petitions to change that, but they haven’t had enough support.
Look them up and sign them, if you know what’s good – not only for you, but for all of us.
Waffling Tory MPs have talked for so long they derailed a law designed to stop creeping privatisation of the NHS.
MPs voiced their fury today as just four backbenchers spoke for three and a half hours ahead of the NHS Bill by Caroline Lucas.
Their mammoth speeches meant the ex-Green Party leader had a meagre 17 minutes to put her case in the Commons – which meant her law was shelved without a vote.
The furious MP said “Tory games” had made a “mockery” of Parliament and told MPs their behaviour “risks bringing this house into disrepute”.
Source: Tory MPs talk for so long they derail law to stop creeping privatisation of the NHS – Mirror Online
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Its the same as the phrase “we owe it to our children” that means their children.
Philip Davies YET AGAIN….
In the States they are called filibusters and the purpose is to stop any other party from getting a motion before congress. Although they are not illegal they are dirty tricks. Something we should be used to from the Tories.
They’re called filibusters here as well.
The Tories make a mockery of decency and we have no one to blame except all those people who neglected their duty to vote Labour or who abstained through apathy and or laziness.
That class of disgusting person (MP) will always crawl through the cracks unless they are stamped on which is the only way to eradicate it.
This government must be removed if the UK is ever to regain its self-respect.
I believe the people’s contempt of parliament is completely overshadowed by parliaments contempt of the people of this country!
Completely agree with you about the appalling behaviour of Tories blocking the #NHSBill. I am also just as concerned at the behaviour of Labour MPs who did not turn up to the debate. Even if a concerted effort to stop the Tories had been successful only 15 Labour MPs attended and doomed the #NHSBill to failure no matter what the Tories did. Indeed seeing the empty opposition benches will have served only to encourage the Tories. It reminds me of all the fine words of Labour before the vote for a Fracking Moratorium when Labour let everyone down, with a preplanned stunt, where virtually all Labour MPs abstained in the vote.
With fracking, what Labour proposed was in fact better than the moratorium – because the moratorium would not have won majority support and Labour’s proposal did.
I wrote an article about it back in January: http://voxpoliticalonline.com/2015/01/26/fracking-u-turn-is-both-humilation-for-the-coalition-and-a-victory-for-common-sense/
The regulations proposed by Labour meant there was a de facto moratorium on fracking in most parts of the UK.
Perfect example of the contempt with which they view democracy. But then that’s fascists for you!
SHAME, SHAME, SHAME on David Nuttall, Philip Davies, Philip Hollobone and Sir Edward Leigh – Charlatans of the first order. Dishonourable Members of this shameful ‘government’.
Philip Davies has been criticised for his use of the filibuster to “kill off legislation he doesn’t like.
In Nov 2014, Philip Davies was reprimanded by the Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons during his successful attempt to ‘talk out’ the Tenancies (Reform) Bill which would have prevented landlords from evicting tenants for requesting vital repairs.
In Oct 2015 David Nuttall, Philip Davies and Christopher Chope ’talked out” a private members’ bill to limit hospital parking charges for carers.
In Oct 2015 Davies led a sequence of speeches[ that resulted in a private members’ bill limiting parking charges for hospital carers being ‘talked out’. Davies spoke for 90 minutes.
In Nov 2015 Davies gave the longest speech in a sequence by Conservative MPs that resulted in ‘talking out’ a bill backed by St. John Ambulance, the British Red Cross, and the British Heart Foundation to provide first-aid training to children. Among his reasons for killing the bill was that he had “forgotten the first aid training he had himself received in school.”
He has called for government to “scrap the Human Rights Act for foreign nationals and chuck them out of the country” and he has been criticised as “disgracefully reactionary” for saying publicly that he wanted to see “an increase in the prison population.” Davies did not want to ban smoking in cars with children, does not want books sent to prisoners, and dislikes gay marriage
He received donations toward his successful election campaign from Bearwood Corporate Services, a front company set up by non-domicile Lord Ashcroft to give out donations to marginal seats such as Davies’. Bearwood has given a total of £5.1 million to the Con Party since 2003.
Info from Wikipaedia…..
To call Tories “The Nasty Party” is a gross understatement.
I’ve emailed all the filibusters to see what they have to say. Not holding my breath.