Osborne’s economics and the return of ‘Aktion T4’
This is the heart of the matter. Osborne is persecuting the disabled and harming the UK economy while claiming he is helping.
Look at the people who will benefit from his tax cuts – the high-rate taxpayers and corporations.
What will those people do with the extra cash they get? Will they spend it, thereby helping the economy?
No. It’ll go into their bank accounts and stay there.
Meanwhile the people who are losing money in order to pay for this cut – the disabled – actually do spend out the money straight away and help the economy.
So you have to ask yourself: Is Osborne really trying to reduce the deficit and debt… or is he just shrinking the state so his friends can be even richer than they already are – and saying, damn the disabled; they’ll all be dead soon?
It really is the return of Aktion T4 – the Nazi policy of euthanizing disabled “useless eaters” under the claim that they do nothing useful for the economy.
The reasoning was wrong in 1930s Germany and it is wrong now. Osborne has stupidly tried to cover up his homicidal intentions by claiming he is targeting benefits on people who need them the most. That’s impossible to argue when the cuts mean help is being taken from people who simply can’t get by without it.
All he has done is show us what he is.
George Osborne’s latest tax cuts for the wealthy will leave him with a Herculean task of reducing borrowing by £32bn to meet his budget surplus rule in 2019-20, according to the Resolution Foundation.
A string of giveaways in the next couple of years will increase government borrowing above his previous forecasts and force him to find £32bn of tax rises and spending cuts in the last year of the parliament.
The thinktank said the decision to offer tax cuts to wealthier groups in the form of higher tax thresholds and lower capital gains tax was “misguided” when official forecasts showed there was a £56bn gap in the government’s finances.
Source: Osborne tax cuts for wealthy create £32bn headache, says thinktank | Politics | The Guardian
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This vile creature along with others in his party should be held accountable for these evil regimes. Surely the individuals who voted for them must by now riddled with guilt, have we ever had such an evil bunch of pocket lining criminals in charge of a nation.
I have seen suggestion elsewhere that at the protests about cuts to disability benefits we should wear sheets as shrouds to get the message across about this being a death March.
good idea to have slogans sbout death camps too.
Osborne may get the message we are more aware than he anticipates.
As ye sow shall ye reap Mr. Osborne.
I do not make that comment with any religious conviction but as a desire for fairness.