Jones: David Cameron must take tough action to tackle Britain’s steel crisis

Last Updated: April 5, 2016By
[Image: Alamy].

[Image: Alamy].

What do you think Cameron will do?

Welsh First Minister Carwyn Jones [was set to] demand tough action to tackle Britain’s steel crisis when he meets David Cameron [today (Tuesday)].

The pair hold crunch talks in No 10 a week after Tata’s shock decision to sell its UK steel arm, including the country’s biggest steelworks, Port Talbot.

Mr Jones told the Mirror: “I will be pressing the Prime Minister to explain to the people of Wales and the people of Britain what steps he is prepared to take.

“Steel can be saved. It needs action from the UK Government; we will work with the UK Government as a Welsh Government – but the UK Government has access to far more money than we do.

“We have to be sure that the UK Government is serious about securing the future of a strategic industry for Britain.

“The time for words has gone, now it’s time for action.”

Source: David Cameron must take tough action to tackle Britain’s steel crisis – Mirror Online

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  1. mrmarcpc April 5, 2016 at 2:19 pm - Reply

    Camoron will do bugger all, he’s too busy trying to save both his and his family’s skins over the Panama Papers embarrassment!

  2. robert fillies April 5, 2016 at 4:40 pm - Reply

    Cameron and co’ will do nothing to save the steel industry as it is now. The plant may survive and produce inferior steel made from recycled metal but the steel industry we have will be a shadow of what it once was.

  3. NMac April 6, 2016 at 8:30 am - Reply

    Cameron and Co are interested only in finding more ways they can enrich themselves at the expense of the poor. Anything they cannot make a great deal of money from doesn’t interest them.

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