Archbishop and Tory MPs criticise closure of child refugee scheme
There was some fake news about this subject (alternative facts, if you like) on the BBC’s Question Time this week.
Claire Perry, the Tory MP who accused hard-Brexiteers of behaving like “jihadis” in Parliament earlier this week, refused to be corrected by David Dimbleby when she claimed the scheme was never said to be committed to taking 3,000 children.
It is generally accepted that the intention of the Dubs scheme was to bring 3,000 into the UK.
On the same show, Billy Bragg quoted a very good point, originally made by Tony Benn, I believe – that governments treat refugees the way they would treat the rest of us, if they had a chance.
Theresa May has been criticised by the archbishop of Canterbury and a growing number of Tory MPs over her government’s decision to limit a scheme to provide a haven in Britain to unaccompanied refugee children in Europe.
Justin Welby said he was “saddened and shocked” by the decision to limit the Dubs scheme to only 350 children, saying he believed ministers had been “committed to welcoming up to 3,000”.
The most senior Church of England cleric said it was “regrettable” to end the scheme when it had helped such a small number. “Jesus commands us to care for the most vulnerable,” he added.
Source: Archbishop and Tory MPs criticise closure of child refugee scheme | UK news | The Guardian
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Well Jesus was a Jew and we all now what happened to him, I don’t recall him ever commanding christians to do anything whatsoever, or the muslims for whom is is also a prophet, he made suggestions that he hoped people would follow, all assuming that he said it and not just was claimed to have by the apostles and those who wrote scriptures at a much later date.