Young mothers are starving because they are shortchanged on benefits and can’t find paying work

Last Updated: March 28, 2017By

[Image: Toby Melville/Reuters].

The hidden policy aim is to stop people having children at a young age, of course. That’s a hard demand, considering human nature.

The DWP’s attitude to the suffering of young mothers would defy belief, if we hadn’t already had seven years to get used to it.

According to the Department, it is “encouraging” that more children are living in “working” households than ever before – what does that have to do with starving young mothers? Nothing.

Doubling free childcare for three- and four-year-olds may seem good, but how many will it help?

And the claim that work coaches “help thousands of people across the country… to get into work or access the support that they need” is a mockery. They harass people.

How is piling on extra stress supposed to help starving young mothers?

Half of young mothers regularly skip meals to provide for their children, a study shows today.

A survey of more than 300 mums under 25 revealed money is tight, with two-thirds saying they were only just managing financially.

More than a quarter have used a food bank, the research reveals.

Barriers young mothers face in finding work can put a strain on the family budget, says the Young Women’s Trust.

Source: Half of young mums skip meals to provide for their children says shocking survey

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  1. PJB March 28, 2017 at 3:51 pm - Reply

    This government, knew nobody would complain about those on benefits, they devide and conquer then knock the hell out of every group. They proved them selves above everyone when they gave them selves a pay rise and we all sat there allowing them to do what ever they want. Maybe we should all have been on the streets because they new we wouldn’t stand up for ourselves.

  2. chriskitcher March 28, 2017 at 4:22 pm - Reply

    I regularly give to local food banks. However I am torn every time I do this.
    One the one hand I know people who have to use food banks are doing so out of necessity.
    On the other hand I do feel that by giving to food banks I am supporting this rotten government in their vicious attack on the poor and vulnerable.
    What do other people think?

  3. Barry Davies March 28, 2017 at 4:41 pm - Reply

    If you are not in full time employment and working yourself into the ground you are a burden on the nation according to the political class.

    • chriskitcher March 29, 2017 at 2:48 pm - Reply

      Good I enjoy being a burden especially on the Tories. As a pensioner they are trying to woo me with money and its all failing. Come on Jezza.

  4. Florence March 28, 2017 at 10:04 pm - Reply

    The DWP quote reveals the true agenda. Only those working are worth speaking about. Those not working are officially non-people. We see the same in the policies affecting the unemployed, sick, disabled, and more recently pensioners. All are being forced to work, and if unable to do so will be subject to bullying, forced CBT, sanctions and starvation – slowly or quickly. Food banks don’t actually fit in the system that is forcing millions into cumulative malnutrition (as opposed to crisis starvation from sanctions and lack of crisis grants).

  5. Dez March 29, 2017 at 9:02 am - Reply

    Whilst the Tories keep persuing their relentless attack on the poor and vulnerable, with little or no resistance, this has the same feel ot makings for the way the Nazi party dealt with their so called human baggage. With the collateral damage of deaths caused by the Cons policies and actions the Cons have crossed the line and have earnt their Nazi name tag.

  6. jeffrey davies March 29, 2017 at 10:25 am - Reply

    when i grew up in the 50s child nurserys were free for all single mothers were helped by those who lived around them yet we toiled throughout our lifes paying into that tax pot for all those needing benefits never have i asked who to but allowed government to pay those who needed it it seems the hour of greed is apon us we pay in they our masters take out wake up before there isnt any person left on benefits

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