The next Grenfell Tower-style disaster could happen IN YOUR LOCAL SCHOOL

Last Updated: June 15, 2017By

Grenfell Tower in flames, early morning of June 14, 2017.

The Tories have been keeping quiet about this; fortunately we have Twitter.

People have remembered that the Conservative Government of 2015-2017 quietly dropped the requirement for schools to have sprinkler systems installed.

This Site stated in September last year that the decision would endanger children and I am convinced of it now.

I think it is primarily due to the Tories’ complicity in creating the circumstances that caused the fire that people have reacted so unsympathetically to their messages of sympathy with the victims:

Finally, it seems This Site has struck a nerve as others are coming out and saying the political angle to the Grenfell Tower fire must be explored. I made the point in my first article of the morning yesterday (June 14) and now others have followed suit:

I was right then; they are right now. It is political and it must be followed up.

A good place to start would be that list of MPs who voted against making rented properties fit for human habitation. Not one of them should be sitting in the House of Commons – but watch Theresa May fight tooth and nail to keep them, in spite of the damning evidence.

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  1. Mark Waters June 15, 2017 at 5:29 am - Reply

    This is what happens when the politicians and the press carp on about “deregulation” and cutting red tape. The Public believe them. The consequence is that the expertise in Health and Safety is lost. So sad but nothing will be done…The Building Industry and Politicians know what are the problems with housing and building construction…but we will only have endless enquires….and years later a white wash…Remember “Profit First”

  2. NMac June 15, 2017 at 7:34 am - Reply

    The only human lives Tories care about is their own selfish, self-centred lives. The only cares they have about others is how much money they can make from people – even to the extent of risking their lives, or even if they are disabled and unwell. As Nye Bevan so rightly said they are “lower than vermin”.

  3. Dez June 15, 2017 at 10:38 am - Reply

    As an ex Risk Manager the obsession with old fashion ideas of sprinklers is just an excuse not to spend the money. The cost is relatively cheap when installed as a new build it is now basically plumbing extension skill Even slow business folk should realise the benefits of still having assets to reclaim and modest fire spread rather than a huge pile of ashes and no business…I thought Cons had business sense. The investment of sprinklers and fire alarms pays for itself as it can be spread over the life of the asset maybe the Government should allow life safety grants for such investments if they are shy with parting with their money. Interesting the greedy pigs who voted not to have housing fit to live in need to revisit their decisions why they are MPs at all as they obviously do not give a flying “fig” for the population they represent. As for Madam Mays new No. 2 the lazy ex housing minister that would not recognise anything urgent or important she has certainly chosen very wisely in having this May worshipper as her advisor!!
    His name will be mud after this fire and deaths a typical could not care a toss Con merchant. As for flogging off all the fire assets for £2 to yet another Hooray Henry what the fig is going on there another mini NHS fire sale I thought the kit was mainly leased something does not smell to good with this quiet little earner….more knighthoods all round.

  4. blackghost55 June 15, 2017 at 7:08 pm - Reply

    70 Tory landlords eh… Greedy, Evil, Pleb Hating Parasitic,Blood Sucking, Dont give a ? Vultures….
    (sorry about this but its upset me and made my blood boil)
    Those poor people that have died or badly injured for life & the poor children that were trapped also, what a horrifying way to go, can you imagine the horror? while she (May) had a so called private visit..
    She can’t face up to the angry residents face to face.. Ghastly Woman

    Just resign already

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