Proof of dodgy link between BBC and Tories: Robbie Gibb is Theresa May’s new communications chief

Last Updated: July 7, 2017By

Connections: These are only a few of the Conservatives who have high-powered jobs within the BBC News team. Now Mr Gibb has admitted the connection by going to work for Theresa May.

Congratulations to the former boss of the BBC’s political team at Westminster, Robbie Gibb! In taking the role as Theresa May’s comms chief he has made a great career move AND proved that the BBC really is biased towards the Tories!

(We’ve all known it for years but there’s no way Auntie can claim otherwise and expect to be taken seriously. Let’s see lots of Labour representatives pointing it out to Andrew Neil on Daily Politics and This Week.)

Here’s how The Guardian reported the story:

The head of the BBC’s political team at Westminster has been appointed to take over as Downing Street’s director of communications.

A BBC message to staff said Robbie Gibb had accepted the job advising the prime minister and would leave the corporation after 23 years. Downing Street also confirmed the news.

The director of communications, like the press secretary, is a political appointment, but involves less day-to-day contact with reporters and the media. Gibb’s post is more strategic.

Now let’s have some fun and see how the social media reported it.

Here’s why nobody had any reason to be surprised:

Then there’s this:

And this:

It seems the claim that the BBC is biased towards the Left is well and truly sunk:

But then, did anybody ever believe it was true?

The BBC’s own claim – that it is impartial – is, of course, dead and bured:

There is a clear conflict of interest between what the BBC has been doing and what it should be doing:

And then there is the more pressing concern – what this means for the future of the UK as a whole:

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No Comments

  1. Barry Davies July 7, 2017 at 4:10 pm - Reply

    What makes you think Auntie will ever admit to being biased in any way shape or form you get the same automated reply every time you complain of clear bias by the BBC that they are independent and just report facts, even when you complain about clearly biased panels and audiences o current affairs programmes.

  2. John. July 7, 2017 at 4:37 pm - Reply

    It’s the game that’s played, calling the BBC what it most definitely is not, namely a left wing news and views outlet. Almost the exact opposite in reality

    What all independent thinkers know is that it is, at the very least, the voice of the establishment’s narrative, anything ‘politically controversial’ presented in the interest of ‘balance’ is always given the graveyard shift or simply ignored completely.

    Calling the BBC left serves several purposes, deflection and subversion are obvious (to some) but also it shifts the general public perception, that anything ‘more’ left wing than the beeb, Heaven forfend, must be utter red menace hot sauce crazy.

    It’s what allows them to get away with employing nasties like the ‘lovely’ Laura as well as the misfits above.

    The great British public, as always, seem to lap up every last drop of the duplicity and utter hypocrisy.

  3. Dez July 7, 2017 at 5:59 pm - Reply

    I guess it is now a totally clear path to the BBC direct from the front line facts twisted to ensure the Cons beast message confuses and misleads the population. Such Cons bias and ownership on the BBC Politics shows is very concerning as someone who actually pays for programming that is totally straight not a feckin propoganda machine. Maybe a gong may now be offerring depending on how well he still pulls the BBC strings I do hope his appointment is very short lived but no doubt BBC would take him back immediately into its dark womb.

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