Donald Trump has been advertising for ethnic actors to attend a rally

Are we to expect the POTUS to tell us this is fake news?

The bizarre and disastrous presidency of Donald Trump continues, with Trump outed trying to perception-manage his rallies by paying black and ethnic people to attend them.

Trump’s minions placed an ad on the Craigslist pages for Central/South Phoenix asking for minorities to attend his rally in the city.

Note that only ‘several’ minority people were required – clearly Trump’s people don’t want too many brown faces turning up, just enough to be able to claim there were some.

Source: Trump caught ADVERTISING for ethnic actors to make rally ‘diverse’ | The SKWAWKBOX

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  1. dconneely2012 August 22, 2017 at 12:21 pm - Reply

    Is that what Trump meant at the rally in California, “Look at my African-American over here.”, Trump though he was one they hired?

  2. David Bacon August 22, 2017 at 1:24 pm - Reply

    Trump might have to pay them quite a bit. Not many black people llke to be thought of as Uncle Toms these days, even if they are well paid to act the part. Is Trump cynical, or just plain stupid? Probably the latter, he’s not intelligent enough to be cynical.

  3. NMac August 22, 2017 at 2:05 pm - Reply

    This man has brought the Office of President well and truly into disrepute. He makes Nixon appear almost harmless.

  4. remel1a August 22, 2017 at 7:46 pm - Reply

    How can the President behave in such a dishonest manner, hiring ethnically diverse actors to come to his rallies?

  5. hugosmum70 August 23, 2017 at 9:02 pm - Reply

    and ones he has publicly had goes at, tried to stop more entering the country and saying racist things time after time after time……. any that would, normally, have applied for acting jobs, should tell him where to stick his jobs. what will he do with any they set on? set his dogs onto them? i would not trust him as far as i could throw him(and at 75 and a weak older lady./that wouldnt be any distance. not even inches)

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