Royal couple expecting third child. What if they were treated the same as others who rely on state benefits?

More on the way: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge with children George and Charlotte. Do they really need any more, considering WE are paying for them?

Nobody ever mentions it but the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, like the rest of the Royal Family, are effectively benefit claimants.

They live on money provided by taxpayers for their upkeep – just like, for example, people claiming Child Benefit.

I mention this because there is a two-child limit on Child Benefit. Nobody who has more than two children can claim any extra money for them – except under certain circumstances.

Bearing in mind what one of those circumstances is, can you imagine the scandal if any government employee asked the relevant question before handing over the Cambridges’ share of our money?

The only difference between these people and Child Benefit claimants is an accident of birth – the Duke of Cambridge was born into a family that, as Tony Benn once described it, stole lots of land, claimed fancy titles and surrounded themselves with weak-minded followers.

Yet because of that, his wife can hold her hand out for as much of (our) cash as she wants – while other young mums have to suffer the indignity of being asked to satisfy the demands of the rape clause.

It is as described in today’s Independent article:

“The contrast lays bare the fundamentals of reproductive injustice: the fact that class, wealth and race control which groups are considered worthy of the privilege of reproduction. Underpinning this is the lie that the wealthy are self-sufficient, whereas the poor upon whose work they depend are parasites. We know this is not true.”

Perhaps the parasites who were the centre of media attention today should think carefully about contraception in the future.

Oh. By the way, I’m not a republican. I simply think the Royal Family have a duty to understand the harsh conditions under which most of us are living and behave in a responsible way – rather than rubbing our noses in the difference between their style of benefit conditionality and ours.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are expecting their third child, Kensington Palace has announced.

The Queen and both families are said to be “delighted with the news”.

Source: Royal baby: Duchess of Cambridge expecting third child

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  1. Samuel Miller (@Hephaestus7) September 5, 2017 at 12:51 am - Reply

    [February 2013] Laurie Penny on Kate Middleton: benefit scrounging mother moves into palace at taxpayer’s expense

  2. damo September 5, 2017 at 7:32 am - Reply

    The primative backwards regresive fuedal british class system is back with avengance…not that it ever went away…im not that upset by the young royals have as many babys as you want …but you dont get one penny ..nothing nada nish pay gor your lifestyle yourselves your multi millionaires granny is one of the richest women in the world …no more no more money to the roxals ….so called…

  3. NMac September 5, 2017 at 7:51 am - Reply

    Pleased to see these over-privileged, mediocre people described as what they are, “benefit claimants”.

  4. Roland Laycock September 5, 2017 at 9:44 am - Reply

    More parasites to drain our pockets

  5. chriskitcher September 5, 2017 at 2:20 pm - Reply

    It’s time to start the bloodless revolution by sterilising all the royals including the kids so that as a family they die out. Long live the Republic.

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