Will the election change anything

Will the election change anything – or must we find new ways to challenge the elites?

Vox Political readers are obviously among the most erudite and intelligent followers of politics. On the Friends of Vox Political Facebook page, one has just asked: Will the election change anything – or must we find new ways to challenge the elites?

Gordon Liddle wrote the following – and I think it’s well worth your time [boldings by the author]:

With a few days left to go, here in the UK we are riding the most boring, insipid, hidden from the public, rancid, food for the gullible, economically, climatologically and ecologically illiterate election campaign I can ever remember.

The lies have been stupendous, the tramlines of permitted discussions have been set months if not years ago by politicians and the client press, the Tories seem to be anxious to leave as soon as possible (why, what do they know is coming?), Labour are almost basking in their perceive glory and yet still trying to battle and eliminate the left, even as the campaign drags on.

Reform are trying to tell us they are racist bigots whilst Farage is trying to convince us he isn’t, the Lib Dems are doing vaudeville acts and the Greens are trying not to mention their support for NATO.

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All we’ve heard about is immigrants and ‘the boats’ as if that were the only issue. I still can’t believe people fall for it yet are unashamedly unaware we’ve seen nothing yet regarding migrants and refugees.
Soon there will be millions fleeing parts of the world destroyed by heat, flooding, famine, war and drought. In the last couple of weeks we have seen floods across Russia, China, Poland, Italy, Austria and in the Alps. Huge rain bombs dropped as humidity rises due to warming oceans. Earlier and bigger fire seasons each year, destroying millions of acres of forests and crops, alongside the inevitability of stronger and more devastating hurricanes and Typhoons.
It’s just accepted as the new normal.
How many times has this been mentioned in this campaign? Nada, zilch. Nor in the US where the Zombie and Trump meet and discuss golf swings and who can actually walk ten yards without help. Biden is finished but who will jump in to replace him, who next to be the frontman puppet? Kamala? JFKjnr? Bernie (lol), Michelle?
Labour will win but get less votes than Corbyn did in 2017.
Reform will get a few over the line and set the scene for Farage to pick up more as Labour fail in government.
Corbyn will win his seat.
The Tories will be annihilated.
Acouple of independents will do well.
I would love to see Sir Rodney (Keir Starmer, whose middle name is Rodney) lose his seat to the Independent Andrew Feinstein!
I’d like to see Wes Streeting and Jess Phillips doing a Portillo; I would love that. It may not happen as our system stinks but I can dream can’t I?
The failure of a right wing Labour government will open the door to even further right movements in the next few years, just as Macron’s failure has led to Le Pen probably winning the election there, certainly with the biggest jump.
Fascism is on the rise again – it never really went away. It was always lodged within Imperialism and Colonialism; we just gave it a BBC sheen, a Hollywood edge.
Now, at the end of all things, it’s back again. Fascism is part and parcel of Collapse. In the US, Trump will win again, pushing the US further toward civil war.
As we destroy more and more of the Bio-sphere, politicians are still muttering on and on about the pseudo-science religion they call ‘economics’ and neoliberalism.
They keep talking about the ‘Markets’ and ‘Growth’ as if these things were real.
Economic illiterates are paraded in front of panels and audiences saying the NHS is unaffordable ‘because of tax’, or (again) immigrants, or we can’t afford dinners for school kids or care for the old and sick, or whatever else their Tufton Street or Atlantic Think Tank owners tell them – as if humanity is defined by this fantasy nightmare and self induced hypnosis!
We can afford any war they demand we fight – but nothing good. Never anything good. The US can spend billions on a new aircraft carrier group or some new missile, but can’t ‘afford’ health care for their own citizens. The ‘Lugenpresse’ will echo these beliefs and anyone challenging them is either removed or othered. Meanwhile these beliefs actually kill people. And the idiots who believe them kill as well.
The idiots who think Covid has gone or didn’t exist are also killing people as we go through yet another wave, as ignorance is more contagious than the virus itself!

It’s time we woke up. We are losing the race to stay on this planet. We are losing bio-diversity faster than any time in human history, and things will feel OK until suddenly they are not.

One day the Internet will stop. A couple of days later the electricity will go off. The next day water will not come out of the taps. Once the dominoes start to fall they fall very fast.

Meanwhile we are listening to intellectual pygmies like Farage, Sunak, Biden, Macron and Sir Rodney walloping on about growth and tax and ‘change’ and all the other sh*te that means nothing at all.

They would rather keep their owners in the Military Industrial Complex happy and go to war with Russia, or Iran, or even China, in the full knowledge of the carnage and inevitable defeat that offers, just to keep the obscene profits flowing in. Eventually the Russians will lose patience with the US and NATO provocations and then we are all in the sh*t.

The inevitability of this is horrifying but we have to challenge it and it can’t be done through our present ‘democratic’ processes.

As the inevitability of the elections passes, we need new methods to challenge them. If not we will soon be licking rocks to survive.

What do you think? Have you seen any indication that our future leaders will pay attention to real-world concerns like the climate crisis – or are they too busy playing with fantasies like their economic systems, or plotting futile foreign wars for fossil fuels that will only make that crisis worse?

Let us know.

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  1. Martyn July 3, 2024 at 8:24 am - Reply

    we have to make sure that the tories, Labour, and lib dems fail miserably at the general election, or nothing will change for the better!

    • Mike Sivier July 3, 2024 at 12:35 pm - Reply

      The problem is there are far too few of us and far too many of what we might call the brainwashed masses – people who either don’t understand, don’t care or won’t listen to anyone other than politicians from the parties they have been told to like.

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