Water polluter has avoided privatisation with a £3 billion rescue loan - but not a single penny will help improve the service

#Floodthestreets call to march for clean water

Will you join the #floodthestreets call to march for clean water – especially in the light of the ever-expanding pool of evidence?

Here’s some, courtesy of musician-turned-activist Feargal Sharkey:

And here’s where evidence like this should lead, according to Mr Sharkey:

This Writer does not believe people should have to risk diarrhoea and sickness, just be swimming in waters befouled by people whose business it is to keep them clean.

The date is October 26, and the place is Parliament Square in London. I would strongly urge you to attend if you can.

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One Comment

  1. Jeffrey Davies August 22, 2024 at 7:04 am - Reply

    money the root of evil the greed of our politicians who turn a blind eye to it yes greed has come a long way has Blair said the right person who are just puppets to allow this

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