Trump now certain to get Republican Presidential nomination as Ted Cruz quits

Last Updated: May 4, 2016By
Bowing out: Cruz.

Bowing out: Cruz.

Be afraid, folks. Be very afraid.

This Writer is no fan of Ted Cruz, but his departure leaves no real opposition to Donald Trump winning the Republican Presidential nomination.

The hopeful news is that Bernie Sanders won the Democrat primary.

Ted Cruz suspended his US presidential campaign on Tuesday after a crushing defeat in Indiana’s primary, leaving the way clear for Donald Trump to become the Republican nominee.

The Texas senator was the last remaining competitor to Trump with a clear shot at the nomination. However, after staking his campaign on a win in Indiana, Cruz suffered an overwhelming loss in the Hoosier State.

In the Democratic race, Bernie Sanders pulled off a shock victory, beating Hillary Clinton by 52.5% to 47.5%, with 97.9% reporting.

“The Clinton campaign thinks this campaign is over,” he said. “They’re wrong.”

Source: Donald Trump’s path to Republican nomination cleared as Ted Cruz quits | US news | The Guardian


  1. Joan Edington May 4, 2016 at 12:55 pm - Reply

    The worry here is that, if Sanders did pull it off against Clinton, voters at the right of the Democrats might well transfer allegience to the Republicans, despite Trump, rather than vote for a “socialist”.

  2. Christine Cullen May 4, 2016 at 1:08 pm - Reply

    Actually the Clinton campaign is not wrong. The numbers simply don’t stack up for Bernie. But he is raising awareness in the US of what a humane government could look like. He’s paving a way. All power to him.

  3. Mr.Angry May 5, 2016 at 6:00 am - Reply

    If this evil cretin wins, this world as we know it is doomed, afraid yes very afraid, one dangerous being if ever there was one.

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