NHS managers are being forced to lie to the public | openDemocracy

Last Updated: May 20, 2016By

160521 Cameron NHS lies

Local managers are being forced to slash NHS budgets and replace existing hospital and community services with unproven ‘new models of care’ (inspired by, and attractive to, the corporates.).

And local managers are effectively being forced to lie to the public that this will improve care.

They will have to do so in new ‘Sustainability and Transformation Plans’, demanded by NHS England’s annual and innocuous-sounding 2016-17 NHS Planning Guidance (1).  In fact, it signals a complete and total reorganisation of the NHS.

The NHS is reorganised into 44 ‘footprints’ (each covering a number of CCGs and an average of 1.2million people).

We’re told the project is about ‘strengthening local relationships’ and building on ‘local energy and enthusiasm’ to achieve ‘genuine and sustainable transformation in patient experience and health outcomes’.

But in fact, the Guidance contains some very specific requirements that will test these new collaborations to the limits and usher in a new wave of privatisations and huge cuts.

Source: NHS managers are being forced to lie to the public | openDemocracy


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  1. Stu May 21, 2016 at 12:10 am - Reply

    Please bear with me on this … it’s extremely relevant. to the current NHS situation.
    This is the 1987 movie Critical Condition which I remember watching when i was a nurse back in the 80’s.
    During this time of Thatcher’s reign, Nursing Assistants and Pupil Nurses were replaced by Business Managers costing 20 times their salary.

    The movie shows how ridiculous matters had become almost 40 years ago in the USA because of the greed of Healthcare companies like UNUM and MAXIMUS.
    These same companies have lobbied relentlessly in the UK to do the same thing here.

    Like many others, I left nursing for this very reason and I’m certainly not going back to help bail out the Tories who happily “Dance to Uncle Sam’s Tune” to fill their wallets.

  2. jeffrey davies May 21, 2016 at 8:04 am - Reply

    safe in our hands another lie by him

  3. Jim Kent May 21, 2016 at 12:47 pm - Reply

    This is truly troubling. With no consultation how can dissent be registered? After junior docs strikes, why don’t NHS managers display their concerns and make similarly public protests? Thoughtful patients would support them.

  4. roybeiley May 21, 2016 at 5:37 pm - Reply

    Why do the media keep on reporting that the NHS Trusts have “overspent” their budgets by xxx billions when the fact is the budgets are set ridiculously low in the first place and what the Trusts are spending is the TRUE cost of running the NHS.The only thing this achieves is to keep an army of bean counters in useless employment so that the Govt can brief the media on incomprehensible sums of money that are allegedly being “wasted” through NHS inefficiency. Humbug.

  5. Thomas May 21, 2016 at 7:33 pm - Reply

    We won’t have an NHS in a few years most likely.

  6. Dez May 21, 2016 at 9:56 pm - Reply

    Sustainability and Transformation Plans’ = feckin useless management speak and covert privatisation. As Stu states to many overpaid chiefs not enough indians.
    Whilst the NHS may be slow to go their real staff are dedicated and focused despite overcrowding, long hours, rampant agency abuse,cut backs….you do not get this same family dedication from privatised staff tuped over knowing their fate will be future profit motivated cut backs and reduced pay whilst watching the fat cats lapping up the cream.

  7. mrmarcpc May 23, 2016 at 2:57 pm - Reply

    Tories don’t like and have never liked the NHS or anything that benefits the welfare of the people, all about themselves and their fellow rich breed.

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