Benefits blunders forcing thousands to use food banks says TORY think tank

Last Updated: March 3, 2014By


  1. Hans Fried March 4, 2014 at 1:59 am - Reply

    Tory policy and especially Ian Duncan Smith have created anti welfare state where people are starving and suffering.

  2. jaynel62 March 4, 2014 at 6:22 am - Reply

    The Report ‘Smarter Sanctions’ whilst acknowledging that 68,000 people had been wrongly sanctioned and.refers to a suggestion of a link to food banks increases; the report is proposing to replace first time sanctions of 4 weeks without benefit to an 8 week “Food Card”.

    • joanna March 4, 2014 at 10:26 pm - Reply

      Have they ever thought of how someone will actually be able to cook the food without electricity?

      • Mike Sivier March 5, 2014 at 12:04 am - Reply

        People who run food banks have thought about this, yes. They have come up with their own individual solutions. Some might cook on-site; others offer food that can be eaten cold to those unable to cook; and so on.

  3. […] Originally posted on Benefit tales: Ministers have denied links between welfare reforms and the 170% increase in emergency handouts in 2013 Up to 68,000 people are wrongly having benefits stopped every year and the blunders are fuelling rising…  […]

  4. William March 4, 2014 at 12:24 pm - Reply

    So think tanks are needed to instruct MPs what is going on in society. It is about time Labour stood to the plate and threatened to resign, leave parliament, unless the interests of the people of this country were put first, put right. But Marxist Labour is equally out of touch and has no back bone, money and position their first priority.

    • Mike Sivier March 4, 2014 at 12:32 pm - Reply

      Marxist Labour?
      I suppose it makes a change from everyone calling them Red Tories – but if you’re saying money and position are their first priorities, then by rights you should also be calling them Red Tories.
      You are picking on the wrong people, though: If Labour threatened to resign and leave Parliament, there would be nothing stopping the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats from causing even more ruination to the country.
      You want the Liberal Democrats to walk out; that’s the only way to get the interests of the people into the spotlight.

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