‘Austere’ Tories are splashing your money around like tap water

Last Updated: March 23, 2014By
[Image: Jim Moore]

[Image: Jim Moore]

Here’s just one reason why Labour desperately needs to buck up its ideas and start bringing forward policies that the people can support.

Vox Political‘s article on Labour’s poll setback this weekend has proven controversial, with readers questioning the validity of surveys that question only around 1,000 people, and asking how they were ‘weighted’ in terms of the political and social background of the people answering the questions.

Polling companies generally respond that around 1,000 people gives a reasonable microcosm of feeling across the UK, and that the polls are carried out across a balanced cross-section of society.

Meanwhile, we still have a Conservative-led ideological dictatorship that believes it is intelligent to spend £8 billion – and drive innocent people to despair and possibly self-harm – trying to eliminate error and fraud worth less than half that amount.

Clearly somebody – either Labour or the electorate – needs to wake up and get a grip.

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  1. ben March 23, 2014 at 10:52 am - Reply

    …or just vote green as they already have plenty of exactly the policies so many people actually want.

    • MrChekaMan March 23, 2014 at 4:45 pm - Reply

      But the Green party is too small to get more then 1 or 2 MPs. I don’t like or trust Labour much but at least for this election I’ll almost certainly vote Labour as a Green or TUSC vote would be wasted.

  2. hilary772013 March 23, 2014 at 11:04 am - Reply

    Again I totally agree Mike & I know which Poll it was the ugov survey which I participated in.. I answered the questions on how much do you trust each party.. and I answered I DON’T trust ANY of them, which is the truth.. so unless Labour does something about it’s policies, I haven’t got a clue who to vote for ?? I also answered that I have voted in EVERY election that I have been eligible to vote in.. I am 63 years young & never in my lifetime have I despised a Government so much as the Tory led coalition..

  3. jaypot2012 March 23, 2014 at 12:02 pm - Reply

    I did exactly the same Hilary as I don’t trust any politician like you. I have voted in every election and see it as my duty as a citizen to do so. I have never wasted my vote and never will.
    The people who just stayed at home at the last election have caused this more than they could know! We had a small amount of voters at the last election and this led to an unelected coalition to go in by the backdoor. Not only have the people (except the rich) suffered, but the country as a whole is quickly becoming a third world country and it’s lost it’s status worldwide!
    Ukip are going to get a lot of votes and I’m terrified of that – imagine a coalition between them and the tories?
    At least if Labour are voted in then we may have a chance of badgering them into changing the way that politics and public voting is done. The whole face of politics should be stripped down and started over. Shouldn’t be hard to badger Labour, they’ve rolled over on everything the tories have thrown at us and them!
    I still believe that it should be one man one vote!

    • Mike Sivier March 23, 2014 at 8:34 pm - Reply

      If Labour rolled over on everything the Tories have thrown at them, then why did George Osborne complain in his budget speech – as he and his party have done repeatedly ever since they sidled into office – that Labour has opposed every single decision the Coalition has made?

  4. jaypot2012 March 23, 2014 at 12:03 pm - Reply

    Reblogged this on Jay's Journal and commented:
    One man. One vote

  5. Joanna May March 23, 2014 at 12:21 pm - Reply

    what I am worried about is all the terrible policies that will cost too much money to reverse, after all isn’t that what the condemns aiming to do? They know they won’t get into power this time, and so if the killer problems they caused, take more than 5 years to put right, they will have a chance to finish what they started. That should worry us all!!

    • Mike Sivier March 23, 2014 at 8:31 pm - Reply

      My personal opinion is that reversing these decisions will save money in the long run, even if they seem to cost a lot if done on day one of a new Parliament.

  6. Joanna Terry (@terry_joanna) March 23, 2014 at 1:22 pm - Reply

    Really cannot argue with you, the frustration I feel is beyond bearing. It is as if they don’t wish to win and if that happens we are all sunk. I am not saying that they are the best, just that they are slightly better than what we have now and more prone to listen (not inc. the TBliar) than this lot. They are also more likely to get us out of this economic mess, despite what the press say’s.

  7. Bob Archer March 23, 2014 at 4:01 pm - Reply

    does miliband read these blogs. If so,then heres some policy ideas that will bring about a landslide victory. Renationalise all utilities so this country will reap the massive profits. Save the N.H.S. Renationalise the railways. Get rid of the house of unelected prats. Take into public ownership all banks that owe the taxpayer money. Cap bankers bonuses at 10% of basic pay. Introduce a 55p rate of tax for earnings over £175000. Start a house building program of 50000 a year,helping builders with a loan of £5000 for every worker they take on,incuding apprentices. Get rid of ATOS in its entirety. Of course the tories will say wheres the money coming from. In answer to that point out how much will be saved by extra income tax, n.i.s contributions and the massive savings in benefits. Get back on the workers side,and stop saying you have to carry on with austerity,which gives no help to the workers or the country. Man up for gods sake. Another 5yrs of this mob will put the country back 200yrs.

  8. Robbie Pennington March 23, 2014 at 11:10 pm - Reply

    I despair of these exhortations to Labour to rediscover its soul. It’s so long gone…

    • Mike Sivier March 24, 2014 at 1:00 am - Reply

      Would you have been a member of Old Labour? If so, have you been discouraged from joining current Labour?
      If so, well, there you have the problem in a nutshell. You could have been a part of Labour’s soul but instead you’re on the outside, deploring the state of it.
      I decided that wasn’t good enough and joined up. I’m on the inside, trying to ensure Labour evolves back towards what it should be.
      … but it’s uphill work, especially when people who could have helped are criticising from the sidelines.
      If you want Labour to be better, what are you doing about it?

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