No WCA medical for almost three quarters of ESA claimants

Last Updated: April 1, 2014By


  1. Pam Sanby April 1, 2014 at 9:17 pm - Reply

    I bet a lot of people have died, but we may never know!

  2. Nick April 1, 2014 at 10:36 pm - Reply

    i didn’t go through it mike as i was too thin so they said stay at home but if we ever see you out without a carer your doomed and that’s been my life the past 34 years

    my wife is my carer and the best their is but the DWP regime is very tough and only the hardiest of sick and disabled people can survive like me in the long term

    all the long term people that i have known in my life have died years ago from severe negligence by the DWP especially those that live alone for them they have no chance in the future

    and it’s to that group those that live alone that need the most help but it’s unlikely to ever happen and for them life in the uk is a day by day existence

  3. […] No WCA medical for almost three quarters of ESA claimants. […]

  4. Dominique Payne April 2, 2014 at 8:26 am - Reply

    Only just got a date (later this month) for my wca… I sent them my ESA50 form last July! The stress is unbelievable…. talk about the sword of Damocles.

    • Mike Sivier April 2, 2014 at 10:07 am - Reply

      Keep calm; if they are slow it’s their problem.

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