Oops! Mail on Sunday hack f*cks up his story attacking food banks

Last Updated: April 20, 2014By


  1. Ravachol April 20, 2014 at 1:35 pm - Reply

    Excellent work, Mr, S.

  2. concern members of society April 20, 2014 at 3:02 pm - Reply

    [To the Mail on Sunday:] How do you consider this to be news??!! Your reporter has lied, cheated and schemed to get a story that yet again puts down the poor, needy and desperate in our society. He has falsified information to obtain a hand-out, and has contradicted his story, but you still consider this drivel news-worthy??!! There are genuine people out there are really suffering. Why don’t you report stories like that, and highlight the suffering they are going through, instead of making stuff up???

    • Big Bill April 20, 2014 at 4:04 pm - Reply

      Because Dacre wants to hear ‘Arise, Sir Paul’ would be the obvious answer.

  3. Big Bill April 20, 2014 at 3:12 pm - Reply

    I think that’s down to a sub-ed, not the reporter. The article is damaging to supporters of food banks though nonetheless. They really shouldn’t be giving out food on the basis of unsubstantiated sob stories. Now the DWP have the ammunition they need to claim that the majority of requests are similar to this one. That’s bad :-(

    • Mike Sivier April 20, 2014 at 3:48 pm - Reply

      As I stated in my own article, food banks need leeway to deal with people who walk in from the street with nothing. They take details and ask why the food is needed, and this information is passed back up the line, for verification. Anyone trying to cheat the system should therefore be caught. Also, people in desperate need, who continue to be in desperate need (for any of a variety of reasons) may need more help than most, and food banks need to be able to rely on their judgement in that respect.

      • Big Bill April 20, 2014 at 4:04 pm - Reply

        Yup, I know, but I hadn’t read your article and neither will have umpteen million Mail readers.

        • Mike Sivier April 20, 2014 at 4:07 pm - Reply

          They’ve got an excuse, but you’re right here!

      • Big Bill April 20, 2014 at 5:17 pm - Reply

        They aren’t though and they won’t be. The article’s a clever piece of writing, and it will have done its job. This kind of poison piece is the sort of thing Lynda-Lee Potter used to excel at. I bet the Mail misses her still at times like this.

  4. Andy Maxwell April 20, 2014 at 3:26 pm - Reply

    He has no intention of using this food himself—–would be interested to see exactly what he does with it now he has STOLEN it from a needy person——bet the bugger bins it! beneath contempt

  5. jaypot2012 April 20, 2014 at 6:19 pm - Reply

    The reporter is despicable for doing such a thing – now the poor and needy get the backlash again, because a liar of a reporter committed fraud. I don’t care that he took the goods back, he lied to get them and then he lied again in the report.
    I support the foodbanks and will continue to do so but I have also signed the petition to have him sacked. I would like the editor sacked as well as he let this happen!
    How this rag still runs I do not know – it prints nothing but lies, and is run mainly by the government.
    I wouldn’t use this paper to line my cat’s litter tray – I’d be ashamed to have such filth in my house.

  6. kari April 20, 2014 at 9:29 pm - Reply

    At least they were giving out food vouchers, so many needy people go without these. Yes perhaps they could have done more checks in an ideal world but also how many people would actually try and get these if they didn’t need them? Most people probably don’t even know what a foodbank is.

  7. derek April 21, 2014 at 7:01 am - Reply

    i dont know why anyone buys this drivel time to get a campaign going to stop people buying this nonsense hit them in the pocket theyll soon get the message same goes for murdoch hes the absolute crook

  8. jazzbaby1 April 21, 2014 at 12:11 pm - Reply

    Attacking a food bank? Seriously? Trying to wrap my brain around that.

  9. carlafellis April 21, 2014 at 2:10 pm - Reply

    He should be arrested for obtaining goods by deception.

  10. John Smith April 21, 2014 at 4:06 pm - Reply

    The English Spring is on its way, and and a lot of Bills will be paid!

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