Rise of unrepresented litigants

Last Updated: May 13, 2014By


  1. alan May 13, 2014 at 3:55 pm - Reply

    1). Solicitors formerly misused Legal Aid, leading to this situation. 2). Solicitors remain highwaymen in suits. 3). Immigrants get unlimited free legal aid, and there are sections of solicitor’s offices set aside to accommodate immigrants, and the bill goes to government. But if you are a tax payer you are assessed, even though you it is your money that is paying for the system. 4). Legal representation and legal work paperwork is far too expensive, and what is more if you purchase a house on a mortgage, the conveyancing cost is less than if you purchase outright because solicitors see you have the money. How about the solicitors that charge for thinking time. If a solicitor is representing a wealthy client and they have a thought on their client’s case, whilst out shopping, they charge for the time for the thought being processed. Basicaly solicitors are wrip off merchants, and have always been.

    • Mike Sivier May 13, 2014 at 4:33 pm - Reply

      That’s no reason to cut poor people off from legal representation.
      We have already seen that this is causing trouble in the family courts, and the effect is only likely to spread.
      If you’re saying there needs to be reform of the legal profession, rather than the way it is paid, then you might get support.

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