Nigel Farage and UKIP forge closer ties with extremist US Tea Party – Pride’s Purge

Deny this, Kippers:

Rand Paul is extremely controversial. He’s author of ‘The Tea Party Goes to Washington‘ and one of the leading lights of the extreme right-wing Tea Party movement in the US, writes Tom Pride in Pride’s Purge.

Farage’s most recent cosying up to the militant Tea Party comes just a year after Nigel had some very friendly meetings with Rand Paul’s father – US presidential candidate Ron Paul – who is known as the ‘Godfather of the Tea Party Movement’:

Nigel Farage and the man who trashed the pound. Twice.

As an example of how extreme Nigel’s new friends are, over half of Tea Party supporters don’t believe in evolution or global warming.

For just a few other examples, visit the Pride’s Purge article.

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  1. Mark Lawrence September 7, 2014 at 8:00 pm - Reply

    get a grip lefty… there’s no cosying up and the ice caps getting bigger average temperatures have gone up .4 degrees Celsius since 1600AD FACT

    • Mike Sivier September 7, 2014 at 10:07 pm - Reply

      Of the two of us, I’m clearly not the one losing his grip.
      Are you sure you’re even addressing your comments to the right person?

  2. Barry Davies September 10, 2014 at 7:54 am - Reply

    Oh dear politician talks to politician in other country shock, I think you will find this is not an uncommon occurrence with every political party in the world as ever a none story which you wish to blow out of proportion, but tell me what is this obsession you have with garage and ukip ?

    • Mike Sivier September 10, 2014 at 9:02 am - Reply

      It’s not an obsession – just a hobby.
      You might think it is better to hide the fact that a UK politician who claims to lead a party for the people is building ever-closer ties with the ultra-right-wing American Tea Party, for whom the working classes are merely commodities they can use to enrich themselves before throwing them away. I think it’s better to have these things out in the open so that UKIP may be seen for what it is – closer to fascism than the Tories.

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