Here’s why Cameron’s so quiet about the Chinese crackdown on demonstrations. They own him – Pride’s Purge

So much for democracy: Reports say China’s rulers have blocked Instagram in a bid to stop images of Hong Kong riot police unloading canisters of pepper spray and tear gas into the faces of peaceful demonstrators – so here’s a nice shot of demonstrators handing out pro-democracy leaflets instead.
Hot on the heels of Vox Political‘s article stating that the Conservatives have been selling off the UK’s most important infrastructure to anyone with something that can be used as currency in their pocket comes this confirmation from Pride’s Purge:
The only official protest about the democracy demonstrations taking place in China at the moment has come from Deputy PM Nick Clegg.
Not a peep from Cameron or Osborne.
Could this be connected to the fact that Cameron and Osborne have been selling off our essential infrastructure to the Chinese, who now own large parts of our water, electricity and gas supplies?
In December last year Cameron went to China, to persuade the Chinese government to buy up invest in Britain.
Chinese organisations and businesses with close links to the Chinese Communist leadership have already large stakes and controlling interests in huge parts of UK essential infrastructure such as water, gas, electricity, telecommunications and transport.
Read the rest on Pride’s Purge. The article concludes:
“If so many people are concerned about the loss of UK sovereignty to the EU – shouldn’t we be having a referendum on the loss of our sovereignty to the Chinese too?”
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Maybe that’s what they have been heading for all along…. all it needs now is for china to cut off our essential supplies..commodities, and Britain is doomed.or rather those of us who cant afford to live anywhere else but this island are.fanciful? maybe, but who knows? wouldn’t put anything past this lot.
As the worlds trouble maker and corporate controller of UK, america has been stirring up trouble for china and has in part been responsible for the protests. America creates trouble all around the world and has earned its living by doing so since WW2. Cameron and pals being puppets of the Bush, Cheney Rumsfeld empire of sociopaths that Thatcher sold out to in the 80’s . they have little choice but to obey. So the BBC remains silent on the home front and reports widely the ‘ democracy ‘ protests. As it does for Syria et al.
Where were these NGO manipulated spoilt little brats- or to be more fair their parents and grand-parents- when an un-elected Governor was imposed on them from a racist, jingoistic political regime thousands of miles away on the other side of the planet, pre 1997?
So the Chinese are going to send Gunboats to protect retake possession of their property? Not an earthly. Money will shortly be seen for what it is, a worthless sham. Too bad for the government Tim Berners-Lee had a daft idea for a World Wide Web, which seems to have caught on, although the State Mad Diabetic is busy trying to stuff that genie back in the bottle. To lose so much face, and you know they have, you can tell by their gaunt and hunted appearance.