Tory barbarians will try to legalise fox hunting if they win in 2015

Role reversal: Let us hope that Cameron and his thugs won’t have a chance to restore fox hunting next year, and that his political career will be endangered instead.
They’ll say the purpose is to control vermin, but when it comes to hunting foxes with dogs, the only vermin are the Conservatives and their voters who support this.
According to the Daily Torygraph (and others), the Conservative Party election manifesto will include a commitment to a free vote on repealing the ban on hunting with dogs, if the party wins the general election in May next year.
For many of us, this will provide another reason to vote against the Conservatives and anybody who sides with them on this matter.
The fox population should be controlled – this is true – but it has been demonstrated many times that there are many routine ways of achieving this unpleasant necessity.
Only primitive, bloodthirsty, irresponsible barbarians like the Conservatives would want to turn it into a brutal ‘sport’. According to the report, it seems they want to tell us the Hunting Act, which banned it, was “wrong-headed”.
But – oh, look – the manifesto is being written by Oliver Letwin, the man who (allegedly) told us the National Health Service would not exist after five years of a Conservative government.
When it comes to primitive barbarism, he’s got ‘form’.
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The loathsome cretins have no respect for either people or animals. The vermin are the Nasty Party.
As you say Mike, the only vermin are those conservative sadists.
I knew that would happen tories out to get any vote
I think the hunting law is really badly written with too many loopholes and does need to be improved. Many hunts have proven that they can exchange real fox hunting into a fun sport instead of a death drive, and more people than ever are going hunting. I’ve never been hunting in my life (bar some kiddies drag hunting in Germany) yet if I were well I would be going now that there’s not a fox involved. As long as the fox isn’t involved! But the hunt monitors aka sabs, are a problem, no one should be wearing balaclavas these days, and they often do some pretty nasty stuff to distract the hounds. The police should be the ones checking on the hunts not random people with a big axe to grind. Not showing support for the nobs btw, there are many normal people who love the fun drag hunting brings and are not nobs or Tory voters (average wage of a horse owner was £21000 last time I saw a quote, and we hate being lumped in with toffs!!!)
As I understand it, you may by right about the way the Hunting Act is written – but the answer isn’t to repeal it, of course. Perhaps a future Labour government will amend it, in the light of the negative feedback received since the Act was passed.
When the police wilfully refuse to act against the illegal activities of hunts, then perhaps the saboteurs feel direct action is their only option?
“Could it be because the police and the courts are scared stiff of moving against the powerful people – the aristocratic and the rich – who still like to indulge in this cruel outdated activity?”
My wife and I feed two foxes every day they arrive just before dark, why any moron would want to see then ripped to shreds by a pack of dogs is beyond comprehension.
Then again the tories do exist unfortunately and the blood lust probably satisfies their sadistic streaks.
Utter B*****ards
Fox power. Vote this Tory scum out.
“Controlling vermin” is a total lie.
Which is why farmers leave a little copse of trees here and there on their land specifically for foxes to breed in so they’ll have something to hunt.
All serial killers started on animals: which is why the hunt issue is so much bigger than simply curbing animal cruelty.