No surge of Romanian and Bulgarian migrants after controls lifted – Guardian

Last Updated: December 31, 2014By
[Image: BBC.]

[Image: BBC.]

The lack of a surge in migrants from the two EU countries after seven years of transitional controls were lifted on 1 January 2014 confounds predictions by Ukip’s Nigel Farage and others that 5,000 Romanians and Bulgarians would arrive “each week, every week” for several years, according to The Guardian.

The Oxford University-based Migration Observatory said the growth in the Romanian and Bulgarian populations of the UK had remained at the same steady pace for the last seven years.

A quarter of a million Romanians and Bulgarians are now living and working in Britain, more than 80% of whom arrived before labour market restrictions on migrants from their countries were scrapped 12 months ago.

The full article is on The Guardian‘s website – give it a visit.

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