Paris attacks show need to scrap Human Rights Act, says Welsh Tory MP – UK Human Rights Blog

David Davies: Living proof that you can become an MP without ever learning or understanding the laws that you may be called upon to form or amend.
This one beggars belief. According to the UK Human Rights blog: David Davies MP (for Monmouth – not David Davis MP) has posted on his official blog that the Paris attacks show that the Human Rights Act should be repealed.
His reasoning is spurious. He does not understand the law. He misrepresents the Human Rights Act.
He is wrong to say that “Under current laws, including the Human Rights Act, anyone can come to the UK and make a claim for asylum.” The right to claim asylum is not contained in the Human Rights Act. It is in the the 1951 Refugee Convention. The United Kingdom signed up to it on 28 July 1951.
The Convention does not apply to those who has committed a “crime against peace” a “war crime” or a “crime against humanity” (Article 1F). That rule is enforced in our law.
No MP is (yet) arguing we should withdraw from the Refugee Convention [and] withdrawing from the Human Rights Act would not address the problem which Mr Davies identifies.
MPs have a responsibility to be accurate when the promote the repeal of an important law. Mr Davies’ post is irresponsible, particularly in the charged climate following the Paris attacks.
He should remove or amend it, with a clear message that he got it wrong.
Vox Political supports this view. The full article – including a transcript of the Davies post – may be read on the UK Human Rights blog.
That is a particularly twisted use and abuse of the tragedy in France to further the Tory agenda on human rights. He needs to watch his back, stooping that low.
I wonder if this clown will meet with the same condemnation from his boss – he is, of course, a Tory – as did Farage?
Somehow, I doubt it.
Yes, he has a right to express his views but in doing so, if he is citing inappropriate Laws he should certainly either amend or delete. Either that or explain fully why he believes those laws are appropriate.
His picture tells a thousand words enough said.
Let’s not judge people by their appearance. After all, I’m a total scruff.
So another orchestrated and state-funded false-flag terror attack happens and it’s open season to remove ALL human rights.
Apparently so, as far as this particular Tory clown is concerned.
What a plonker! Get rid of human rights to protect us from people who don’t believe in human rights. Might as well suggest scrapping hospitals because they encourage illness.
I’m surprised that more Tories haven’t jumped on this atrocity to excuse their snooping laws, freedom of speech restrictions and the numerous other dictatorial bills etc that they have foisted upon us in the last few years.
Perhaps they’ve been too busy pushing through their latest ‘anti-terror’ bill.
Totally agree with the above points and add the following re the HRA/ECHR
This was as predicable as night follows day,it pre supposes that the HRA and the European Convention on human rights(from the Council Of Europe NOT the EU) are as protective of human rights as people think. While they are perhaps better than nothing every article of the ECHR with the exception of article 3(prohibition of torture) has a get out clause for the state. Also in Italy for example you can be held without charge for a year then continue your detentin renewed by a court every six months and that is NOT EMERGENCY law its the ordinary code.
France also has powers of detention much used against immigrants.
The man is an Idiot we have had a new “anti terror” law almost every year since 2000, so why are the powers in the last one never enough? Either they are un necessary or they are necessary and the government is totally incompetent in keeping to add bits(they forgot?) The truth is the war on terror is a war they have no intention of winning any time soon.
They want to keep us frightened to we end up wearing our own internal hand cuffs and those who dissent will be labelled the enemy within. Wee should resist this by all means possible and necessary. If we step outside of the law its because we cannot be human and obey it
Your comments are eerily close to the thrust of this article on the subject, just published.
Either he does not understand the point made about the Refugee convention as distinc from the HRA or he DOES but has another agenda. The HRA IS used by many people used to the coalitions welfare policy for example and by people arrested by the police in all sorts of circumstances that have nothing to do with terrorism or asylum seekin
I have been reading a thread here I found interesting.Even if this is not posted by you Mike,it is worth a read IMHO.
After a terror Act, first ask if it is a False Flag
PS apologies if I do not reply to you Mike,I post all over and forget were I post,when I have the time.
If it was Arthur, who made nuts and bolts that had got his job wrong, he’d be down the road. Anorher statistic. Just get rid of the fool!
D.D. must be an idiot and a crap Tory as well. Don’t vote for him.
Another pillock with a gob but no brain…
Yeah the Tories would love to scrap the Human Rights Act so they can chuck all the anti-fracking protestors in jail for getting in the way of their greed.