Here we go again – another Kipper brought back to Earth with a bump

UKIP’s latest loss: Phil Bottomley stood down as Walsall branch chairman after claiming Britain is going through a form of ‘ethnic cleansing’ because of immigration [Image: Express and Star].
The latest UKIP member to be unseated by his own foul comments is Phil Bottomley, formerly chairman of the party’s Walsall branch, who faced calls for his dismissal from the party over comments about the Labour Party on his personal blog.
He had written: “Labour’s deliberate plan of uncontrolled immigration policy was a classic case of ethnocide… Put simply it is the cleansing or diminishing of an indigenous population by methods other than mass extermination. It is a fact that by 2070 the immigrant population will be ahead of the indigenous peoples of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.”
Whenever they write, “It’s a fact” without showing where they found it, you know it isn’t a fact at all.
Labour Cllr Sean Coughlan, leader of Walsall Council, said the comments were “abhorrent”.
He said: “I am calling on Mr Farage to disown his comments and choose a new branch chairman.”
Let’s see what Nigel has to say about all this. If he can’t find a new and original way of saying it (and he must be running out by now) then perhaps it’s time to invest in that app.
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UKIP is full of racists and other nasties. To be fair to Farage, he does tend to throw them out when they say something racist, deeply nasty or just plain insane.
He looks a right cowboy don’t you think, how could anyone take this man seriously?
Good riddance.
Let’s not judge people on the way they look, please.
Wow! These people really are utterly moronic. Do they really believe such garbage?
Cue Guy Ropes complaining that you should be going after the Tories instead…
Whether their central leadership is racist/xenophobic or not, ‘Kippers have got to face facts – their party’s general stance and rhetoric clearly draws racists and xenophobes. If Nigel Farage wants us to accept that he is not a racist, he has to stand up and demand that racists and xenophobes neither join his party, nor vote for them.
But.. but… but… it makes me wanna vote for them more cos its PC gone mad innit… they cheeky chappies and its pc gone mad innit… its free speach he only saying wot we fink ruddy pc gone mad I tells yas innit… its all a stitch up by the meeja.
Said every f***wit kipper in the land.
If as he says an ethnocide is taking place would he care to. like a river, trace it’s source? With all this nonsense on immigration being the cause of our economic ills and adding to them, it needs to be pointed out to these morons that the British Isles historically has had an open door policy. The earliest inhabitants are thought to be intrinsically Celtic in origin and they are thought to have travelled from around the Mediterranean area. Some have come here as invaders or migrants, the Romans, the Angles, the Saxons, the Vikings, the Normans, the Hanoverians. Some came as slaves and then in the Industrial Revolution work slaves were allowed in to dig canals, dig out the coal, build the railways and so on and so forth. The only people who can lay claim to ethnic origin in these Blessed Isles are those related to the ancient Picts and Micene and Celtic speaking nations like the Scots, Welsh, Irish, Cornish. Even the Queen’s ancestors were from Europe. If we were all to be sent back to our nearest place of origin – Ireland in my case with a bit of Viking on my Mum’s side. This place would be empty. Where would Farage have to go? Answers on a postcard or UKIP FB page.
Farage looks acceptable compared to the party officials, God knows what the membership are like! They seem to shoot themselves in the foot remarkably often. Someone must be watching every kippers fb/twitter constantly. The recent case of their treasurer being accused of propositioning a new candidate seems to have faded from the news, might be because he proved they were in a relationship or perhaps that we learned she was a Labour activist. They ARE fruitcakes but I’m losing faith in what the press reports on them because I’ve seen so many unreported instances of fruitcake behaviour from other politicians in mainstream parties going unreported. There’s two sections of the BBC, for example, one who get Farage as many TV appearances as he wants and the other who paint them as the loonies they are with relish. Whatever this is, its not democratic…
Your comment seems to be extremely equivocal, though; are they loonies or not?
I`m not defending these comments or this chap, however peculiar his comments are it strikes me as daft to attack a party over a individual and his opinions or behaviour, seeing as our prisons are full of people that once voted for a political party or was a member of a party while going about their criminal activities.
Quite right. However, it strikes me as sensible to attack a party over the behaviour of an increasingly-large proportion of its membership and support base. If you think this man was unique, think again! As for the rank-and-file UKIP supporters – would you like me to write an article about the way they behave when shown factual evidence about their party’s behaviour and policies? It shouldn’t take too long.
Yes a factual evidence base article is always the best policy. and even handed, and please remember our jails are full of labour and tory supporting people, and please highlight the bad behaviour of of all party members not just one party.
Ah, but are our jails full of people who vocally supported Labour and the Conservatives? Were they active in their support, and aggressive in their attempts to push forward Labour and Conservative policies and candidates? If not, we’re not discussing the same thing.
I totally agree with this response!