Tories admit they have no MPs capable of simple mathematics

What hope would the UK have if THIS man continues as Chancellor of the Exchequer after the general election?
If ever any headline should spur people into voting against the Conservative Party, it is this one:
George Osborne to stay UK chancellor if Tories win election
Apparently he has been told the Treasury will have a pivotal role in negotiations over Britain’s EU membership, so it must be all about money.
Unfortunately, Osborne can’t answer simple maths questions like “What do you get if you multiple seven by eight?”
Comedy Prime Minister David Cameron failed to answer “What do you get if you multiply eight by nine?” during a speech on education yesterday, while education secretary Nicky Morgan ducked the seven-times-eight question in a TV interview.
This bunch of Tories must be the stupidest yet voted into Parliament!
None of them can perform simple arithmetic.
So voting for them cannot possibly add up to anything sensible.
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They don’t seem to suffer mind loss when claiming expenses tho:-(
They understand the balance of maths. 1-4-u & 2-4-me. 2-4-u & 4-4-me 3-4-u & 6-4-me.
They can do really simple arithmetic provided it doesn’t take them past the fingers of their hands; –
“1 and 1 are 2.
2 and 2 are 4.
4 and 4 are 8.
8 and 8 are… are… er…
1 and 1 are 2…”
Reminds me of an old Hancock’s Half Hour radio episode in which Kenneth Williams plays his ‘fag’ at public school. Asked his age, he says, “I’m 27. Between you and me, I’m not very bright.”
“Fat Legs Hancock!”
Look at what education the members of the cabinet have? How many have qualifications for the department they oversee?
Osborne (Exchequer) – History
Hammond (Foreign & Commonwealth) – Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE),
Morgan (Education) – Law
Hunt (Health) – PPE
Grayling (Justice) – Art
Need I go on?
Well Ed Balls seems to have graduated ın Amnesıa!
I knew somebody would mention that interview at some point today.
I remember some education minister on radio 4 a few years ago, The woman interviewing him asked about fractions, they were talking about the qualifications needed for the job they where placed in. She asked him at least five times what half of a quarter was, everytime he ignored the question, eventually he owned up and said he didn’t know. Makes you think don’t it.
Was that Michael Gove?
Ed Balls agaın?
I just checked his career and it’s possible!
I don’t think so, but to be honest Mike it was a while ago and it was something I heard while working on a motor, you know head under bonnet. I just remember thinking heres me getting cut fingers and filthy up to the arm pits for a few quid a week, and here is this prat can’t do simple maths being paid ten times more than me for sitting on his arse all day reading news papers.
It wasn’t a serious question – I was just poking fun at the inept Gove. Would be good to know who it was, though.
It’s been bugging me for years and it will again all night probably, if I remember I will let you know. Come to think of it, it might have been the previous Tory government, it’s just this lot that are in now have made the last five years feel like fifteen.