Thurrock UKIP councillor Robert Ray suspended from party
!["Robert Ray, pictured getting into the back seat of a car, was found to be twice the legal alcohol drink-drive limit when he was arrested" [Image: BBC].](
“Robert Ray, pictured getting into the back seat of a car, was found to be twice the legal alcohol drink-drive limit when he was arrested” [Image: BBC].
A UKIP councillor who asked police “Do you know who I am?”, when he was arrested for drink driving has been suspended.
Robert Ray, 65, admitted drinking and driving after a party function at Orsett Hall Hotel, Essex, last June.
At Basildon Magistrates’ Court last week, he was banned from driving for 19 months and fined a total of £1,160.
UKIP has confirmed the Thurrock councillor had been “suspended from party activity”.
The court was told when Ray spoke to officers, he asked them: “Do you know who I am? I am a prominent councillor, I know the police commissioner.”
The UKIP comedy parade rolls on.
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If I’d been the policeman, in reply to the “Do you know who I am” line I would have replied “Do you know who you are, sir “.
Or when he said he knew the commissioner of police: “You’re going to get to know him a lot better, sir.”
Surely he was only trying to emulate his leader Farage when do you see him without a glass in his hand, maybe he gets party funding from Jack Daniels.
Oh thank goodness… it’s been *hours* since we last saw an arrogant, over-entitled ‘Kipper bringing his party into disrepute in really embarrassing circumstances. It was so quiet, I was starting to worry the Earth’s magnetic field had reversed or something.
hard to fathom politics — if it’s not UKIP falling from grace it’s hypocritical labourites with 2 and 3 houses or fiddling expenses or tories doing the same and avoiding taxes — and we are supposed to look UP to these dishonest and corrupt people ?
No. We are supposed to take account of their misbehaviour and vote them out at the first possible opportunity. It would be better if their own political parties dropped them as candidates; the fact that this rarely happens is a failure of the system. Another failure is that of the voters to remove the bad ‘uns when they get the opportunity.
Can’t believe anyone is still using the ‘do you know who I am’ excuse. Lock him up and throw away the key.
I just can’t understand why ordinary people support this loathsome bunch of nasty bigots.