UKIP will ally with Tories in return for 2015 EU referendum
So there you have it – straight from the Fuhrage’s own lips: UKIP would go into Coalition with a potential minority Conservative government – on the sole condition that a referendum on EU membership takes place this year.
The fact that there are no other conditions will confirm, in the minds of many critics, the claim that UKIP are just Purple Tories – Conservatives who have disguised themselves in order to win voters.

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The party’s only two MPs are Tory defectors, after all. Its financial policies might as well have been written by the same person who writes the Tories’ financial policies (someone from PricewaterhouseCoopers, probably), and its policy on the NHS seems to be the same as that of the Tories too – say one thing before the election and do something completely different afterwards, if possible.
The only question now is, how many UKIP supporters will defect back to Labour or another real party of the people?
They can’t stay with UKIP if Farage is prepared to betray them and allow another five years of Tory rule – including the end of our human rights, further destruction of the NHS, and more deaths of people trying to claim benefits in the Kafka-esque system created by Iain Duncan Smith.
According to the BBC, “The UKIP leader said the terms of his deal with the Tories would be ‘very precise and simple.
“‘I want a full and fair referendum to be held in 2015 to allow Britons to vote on being in or out of the European Union,’ he said.
“Mr Farage went on to say that if Mr Cameron agreed to the terms, there was ‘no question that UKIP would not do a deal’.”
It should be noted that current polls show the majority of British people believe we are better off inside the European Union than out of it.
So a vote for UKIP is a vote for another pointless referendum that merely confirms the current situation, followed by five more years of utterly unfettered Conservative Party dictatorship.
UKIP supporters: Is that what you really want?
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And roll out the dictator ship, a bunch of despots and the whole world will change in such a way, we will go backwards in time.
It’s like some films all in the future and the world is fever stated.
Sadly, I fear that this still won’t deter their many supporters from voting for them. From my experience, they tend to be very single-minded folk who always fall back on the excuse that it’s all the immigrants’ fault and will unquestioningly back UKIP and all their policies on that issue alone.
It’s exactly like that episode of The Simpsons when they introduced an anti-immigration referendum – only without the happy ending.
These Tory and UKIP people are not capable of maintaining their vows and seem to change their policies with the change in wind direction and source! As they change now so they most probably will if ever they got elected which I most sincerely hope will never happen.
UKIP will get 3 to 5 MPs at the very most.
There appears to be half of the equation missed out here. Because UKIP have said something does that mean the Tories have also been asked and that it’s definitely going to happen?
Fair point.