Do you know the horrifying facts about your own MP?

Don’t let the appearance of serious concern fool you – Roger Williams has done more harm than good in the last five years. Can you say that your MP hasn’t?
You can tell there’s an election on the way when the dreaded Liberal Democrat Block Graph appears in your letterbox.
“Only Roger Williams MP and the Lib Dems can stop the Tories here in Brecon & Radnorshire!” today’s leaflet screamed, while the graph pointed to a 10 per cent turnout for Labour (highlighted in orange – isn’t that the Lib Dems’ colour?) from 2010 to illustrate its point.
But 2010 was a long time ago. Since then, Roger has betrayed us all in Parliamentary votes many times.
Are you upset about the funding cuts to local government services? Roger voted for those cuts.
Struggling to pay your council tax? Roger voted strongly to make councils responsible for helping people pay – and for reducing the amount spent on that support.
Are you unemployed, sick or disabled? Roger voted strongly for cuts to welfare benefits, and for the uprating cap that means benefits don’t rise in line with prices.
He voted against investing public money in guaranteed jobs for young people who have spent a long time out of work.
He voted to increase VAT, but not to increase taxes for the immensely rich – and he fully supported cutting the rate of corporation tax, so rich firms became even richer.
Remember the bankers who caused the financial crisis? Roger voted against clawing back money from them. He refused to support the bankers’ bonus tax.
Remember the botched privatisation of the Royal Mail? Roger fully supported it.
He voted very strongly in favour of ending financial support for people aged 16-19 in training and further education.
He voted very strongly in favour of restricting access to justice so that only the rich can get a fair hearing in court, by restricting the scope of Legal Aid – and he voted for the creation of so-called ‘secret courts’.
He is in favour of the waste of money known as Police and Crime Commissioners, against restricting rises in rail fares, very strongly for selling off England’s state-owned forests and against green energy.
Oh – and he voted for the Bedroom Tax too.
He also voted very strongly in favour of the Tories’ creeping privatisation of the National Health Service.
His leaflet states: “The Tories want to cut pay for Llandrindod Wells’ nurses and teachers. Who can stop them?”
Not Roger Williams, obviously. His record shows he has been cheering them on.
This writer actually helped vote Roger Williams into his Parliamentary seat, back in 2001. Admittedly it was a tactical choice, to make sure that the constituency did not go to a Conservative candidate.
Now I know that, given the chance, Roger won’t act in the best interest of the people, but in those of whoever gives him his orders that day.
But never mind my MP – how has yours behaved? You can find out on
What you discover may surprise you!
And Llandrindod Wells’ nurses and teachers?
I would rather rip Roger’s throat out with my own teeth than make him responsible for their pay and conditions.
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Really? The leaflet said “Only Roger Williams MP and the Lib Dems can stop the Tories here in Brecon & Radnorshire!” and you managed to stop laughing long enough to draw breath and write this blog? Has you local Lib Dem party not noticed who has been propping up the Tories these past five years or are they assuming people are imbeciles and carrying on as though nothing happened?
They deserve to voted out purely on the grounds that they’re insulting people’s intelligence.
Kind of illustrates the point that politicians have low opinions of the voters. There is a personality disorder associated with this behaviour, narcissistic, I think, and they also overestimate their own abilities while they’re underestimating others’. Sounds like a lot of MPs nowadays, no?
See what you think:
PS, you can probably add the sociopathic personality disorder to the narcissistic.