Sir Patrick Stewart criticises Labour ‘disarray’ – and rips into Tory ‘codswallop’
Phone a fiend: Sir Patrick Stewart is a witty critic of David Cameron. When the UK’s Prime Minister posted a photo on Twitter, claiming it showed him on the telephone to US President Barack Obama, Sir Patrick was quick to ridicule it.
Here at Vox Political we are big fans of Sir Patrick Stewart – even more so after he branded David Cameron’s pretensions to ‘One Nation’ Conservatism “codswallop”.
The actor, best known for playing Captain Jean-Luc Picard on Star Trek: The Next Generation, said all politicians could learn from that show, and from his character, whose strongest attribute was his reliance on negotiation rather than aggression – “jaw jaw” rather than “war war”, so to speak.
His words were published by the Huffington Post. Here, he speaks his mind about current British politics:
Sir Patrick Stewart has criticised the “disarray” in the Labour Party, as it has descended into bitter infighting over who should be its next leader.
In an interview with HuffPost Live The Star Trek actor attacked David Cameron’s “codswallop” but appeared dismayed at the current state of Labour.
Asked whether it was right that people had to “tighten” their belts to help the economy recover, he said: “Some of us have to tighten our belts, some of us don’t need to. And so this whole talk… I am glad to see our prime minister has shut it up now, the whole thing of One Nation was such codswallop. The Conservative Party has never believed in One Nation.”
Sir Patrick, who is a longtime supporter of Labour, added: “The Labour Party are in complete disarray.
“How to return to a world where we can say, first and foremost, we believe in fairness because that has been absent from British politics for quite a long time.”
Source: Sir Patrick Stewart Bemoans Labour Party ‘Disarray’ Amid Leadership Contest Infighting
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I wonder whether, if he isn’t already a member of the Labour Party, Sir Patrick would try to join and find himself banned like Mark Steel and co. What a f***ing cock-up this all is.
“…. return to a world where we can say, first and foremost, we believe in fairness because that has been absent from British politics for quite a long time.”
Well said Sir Patrick! Make it so.
It is time that Labor started to act intelligently and honestly on the basis of the principles it was founded on. Operating in the interests of all people, of all occupations, including self employed and those disabled or sick.
The years of Tony Blair and his New Labour, saw the Labour Party competing with the Tories on issues of Immigration, Overseas Interests, Benefit fraud, Corporate Income Generation, and all those Right Wing ‘exaggerated’ issues that play to the more base interests of selfish voters.
What is the use of organizing and funding a Political party on the basis of principles and actions that contradict the very foundations of the Democratic Socialist Principles. As we have seen, we just end up another shade of blue. Stand for principles, let the Tories screw up and come back on sound principles of true democratic socialism and community.