Location revealed for ‘benefit-related deaths’ Tribunal hearing in November
The battleground: Field House, in London. It doesn’t look like much from the outside but it is where the DWP will try to slither out of its Freedom of Information oblligations – again.
The First-tier Tribunal (Information Rights) has provided details of the venue for the ‘benefit-related deaths’ hearing at which the DWP will appeal for permission not to publish the exact number of people who have died while claiming incapacity benefits since November 2011.
It will be at Field House, 15 Bream’s Buildings, London EC4A 1DZ, starting at 10am on November 10 this year. Apparently it’s a five-minute walk from Chancery Lane tube station; those of you with disabilities will need to plan extra time to allow for your conditions (although obviously you don’t need This Writer to remind you of that).
All tribunal hearings of this kind are open to the public, so if you are able to attend, please make a note of the date and location in your diary and come along. If you can’t, tell all your friends to come in your place.
Here’s a map:
Any and all support on the day would be welcome. The Conservative Government, by rush-publishing its fudged ‘ASMR’ statistics on benefit-related deaths, is hoping to quiet public unrest about the number of deaths that have taken place after its “welfare reforms”.
It seems clear that ministers are terrified that this issue will continue to blow up in their face.
This is your chance to show that you are not going to let it lie down and die.
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The fact that we need a tribunal, is all the facts we need.
Doesn’t look very good for disabled access.
Excellent point.
I just asked and: Yes, the venue is accessible for the disabled.
There’s ‘accessible’ and accessible. Internal doors often pose barriers to Warren’s wheelchair.
Sorry, just feeling extra cynical.
‘Wish I could be there. Good luck, Mike.
I don’t think I’ll be able to make it but I could contribute something.
How about crowdfunding for your expenses so people who can’t make it in person can still contribute whatever they can?
Will be sending you all the best but I know you are very focused and extremely level-headed and capable.
I’m hoping that, after the decision comes out, the DWP will be paying my expenses. Let’s leave it to Iain Duncan Smith, shall we?
I’ll be there with a Scottish contingent to support you.
Then I certainly hope I meet you.
I hope to make it. Do you know if the tube station is accessible? So many of them claim to be and aren’t… I think whoever labelled the “accessible” ones only ever went over the network using a manual chair or one with massive wheels; even on the DLR my powerchair front wheels get caught between train and platform…
I’m afraid I can’t answer that. Try perusing this website: http://www.directenquiries.com/information/Chancery%20Lane/74244/info/information.aspx
Good luck mike i just hope at a later date if corbyn becomes the labour leader he will press home as i would if i were leader the need to have IDS prosecuted and to face trial for the deaths of the sick and disabled in going through welfare reform as come 2020 there will have been many thousands of deaths and a permanent stain on the uk for generations to come
482 metres from the tube station, if I could bear the 2+ hour journey from the South coast, I’d have to get a taxi from the station. So I won’t be there, but then the DWP say I’m too fit for PIP!
This post needs to be share alot im on the case they cannot do this without everyone knowing
Good luck ! You are a champion of the people . Respect !
I bet they’ll try to wriggle out of proceeding with it, even though they’ve said they will but I get the feeling that they will try their very best not to deal with this. All the very best of luck to you Mike, hope you show them up for the evil, treacherous, cruel hearted, money grabbing bastards that we know they really are!
In my submission to the tribunal I included a request for the DWP’s appeal to be struck out. If the tribunal agrees, the DWP will be forced to provide the information with no hearing taking place.
Incidentally, isn’t it interesting that the DWP announced publication of its ‘Age-Standardised Mortality Rates’ the day after I made that submission?