How can Iain Duncan Smith accuse anyone of misrepresenting statistics with a straight face?

Last Updated: September 8, 2015By

These ministers are sneering, dishonourable, dishonest and callous Social Darwinist stains in British political history and they need removing from the position of power that they occupy, simply on the grounds that they are formulating and continually justifying policies that cause harm, distress and sometimes, cause terrible and tragic consequences for sick and disabled people. That they demonstrate such a fundamental lack of concern for the welfare of UK citizens and persist in their refusal to accept that there is even a possibility that Tory policies may be causing harm to ill and disabled people is a very damning indictment.

Yet these ministers have no grounds whatsoever for their claims that there is no provable causal link between their policies and the increase in mortality, because the correlation is shown by their own record of statistics. The same statistics that they fought very hard to withhold.

Denial, sneering and directing malice at anyone who raises concerns and by accusing everyone else of being liars does not constitute a reasoned debate, as is expected of a government, nor does it count as empirical evidence of the claims being made by Tory ministers.

So it’s absolutely priceless comment that opposition ministers who have raised concerns and cited cases of extreme hardship and tragic deaths many times – all recorded on the Hansard record as well as in the media – that are clearly correlated with the welfare “reforms” are told they are “liars” and are “misrepresenting statistics” from the despicable liar Iain Duncan Smith.

Source: It’s truly priceless that Iain Duncan Smith can accuse anyone of misrepresenting statistics with a straight face. | Politics and Insights

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  1. Rupert Mitchell (@rupert_rrl) September 8, 2015 at 2:19 pm - Reply

    What more could any decent and honest person add?

  2. Brian September 8, 2015 at 2:24 pm - Reply

    Well, someone had to say it eventually.

  3. marcusdemowbray September 8, 2015 at 2:34 pm - Reply

    When a person is totally convinced that everything they say or do is right, and that anyone who queries them is wrong to do so, this is a clear sign of personality/emotional/mental problems. A certain moustachioed German Chancellor had similarly Messianic self-belief.

  4. James Kirkcaldy (@Bradford_Indie) September 8, 2015 at 2:54 pm - Reply

    @RevolutionBreeze raises some very interesting points. I would like to talk about one point presently, namely the tie in with assisted suicide and moves to make it legal.

    Would a terminally ill claimant take state provided assisted suicide over a slow wasting death having been sanctioned or facing removal of means of existence by being incorrectly found fit for work? The terminally ill and disabled poor nudged to take State provided assisted suicide? This from the current situation of increasing suicide rates out of desperation and removal of means to survive?

    Setting the conditions where these people want to commit suicide more often with a view to it becoming legally acceptable to kill yourself under those circumstances. The guilt of burden across both and mutually reinforcing one another.

    If the Tories have intentionally driven up the suicide rates amongst these very same groups and exasperated serious health conditions to the point of premature death, all the while whilst framing the ill and disabled claimants as a burden and demonising them in the press, and that some of these groups of people are the proposed beneficiaries of State assisted suicide, then we are already in that dark place Kitty.

  5. John. September 8, 2015 at 3:14 pm - Reply

    In answer to the title, because he’s a self serving scrounger and proven liar.

  6. Jeffery Davies September 8, 2015 at 3:27 pm - Reply

    Culling the stock rtu ids way yet he’s been shown to be a liar and that alone should have removed him from the house but then this partys is all about greedie mps ministers who award contracts to their companies and firms they have dealings with that alone should traitors gate be reopened for the lot of them housed in the tower but there again greed is rife throughout this house they have no shame or remorse jeff3

  7. paulmac49 September 8, 2015 at 8:17 pm - Reply

    He’s been getting away with it for over five years now, nobody can stop him, he does what he likes and gets away with it.

    • Mike Sivier September 8, 2015 at 10:57 pm - Reply

      Would anybody like to suggest ways in which paulmac49 is wrong?

      • Jim Round September 9, 2015 at 12:06 am - Reply

        Unfortunately, he is being proved right everyday that passes.
        There is now the refugee and Syria issue to be used as a reason to”look over there” as further scrutiny fades into the distance.
        I’m no fan of conspiracies but I sometimes do wonder if IDS really does have something on Cameron.

  8. Barry September 8, 2015 at 9:48 pm - Reply

    The BBC are showing a programme on how the disabled are badly treated in a foreign nation, pity they can’t do the same for the disabled here.

    • Very scared September 8, 2015 at 11:31 pm - Reply

      Barry – exactly what I thought! Along with how UK is to take a quota of Syrian refugees (as we most certainly should be) including the most vulnerable such as sick and disabled who cannot be treated in their own country. So, bring them here to starve and die instead? What a sick, sick government we have.

  9. sally September 8, 2015 at 11:40 pm - Reply

    Certainly, he didn’t get his way regards making public the deaths statistics; the ICO and Mike, along with how many hundreds of thousands (?) petition supporters pressurised him into ‘compliance’. And though the MSM has gone quiet about it, the heat is on because the information is shocking and people aren’t going to let it rest. Not possible to cover up the fact that near 100,000 people have died.

    About the lying, finger-pointing, deception and manipulation. There are names for these behaviours.
    The Saint’s Excuse: “It’s for a good cause”, is a rationalisation used to justify all sorts of unethical behaviour, in the name of an ultimate goal. The ends justify the means, as it is said, even if the ends result in harm, death or suffering of others.
    The Self-validating Virtue is the crutch of all those whom see themselves as Saint’s; no matter the consequences to others for their actions, they see themselves as the ultimate expression of virtue and a paragon of ethical behaviour; any decision they make or action they take must therefore be wholly ethical and beyond reproach.
    Then there is the Altruistic Switcheroo, where unethical conduct is framed as goodwill and generosity: “it’s for their own good”, “this hurts me more than it hurts you”.
    Reads like a psychology text, doesn’t it?
    Denial, sneering and directing malice at anyone who raises concerns and by accusing everyone else of being liars when confronted by the truth is the realm of immaturity; really, the domain of five year olds.
    Daily, I am simply astounded at the juvenile behaviour and comments of politicians portrayed across the media. That, coupled with the twisted rationalisation of policies intentionally designed to curtail human rights, further impoverish, harm and marginalise the poorest 30% of the population, and the deliberate use of starvation, homelessness and penury to enforce compliance to an unreasonable expectation- reinforces my contempt.

  10. mrmarcpc September 10, 2015 at 4:49 pm - Reply

    Where the hell does he get of criticising anyone for misrepresenting anything, biggest bulls***ter in the whole of the UK! It’s true what previous comments have been said, news networks reporting on how badly people are being treated in foreign lands yet aren’t prepared to do the same reporting on people here in the UK who are suffering under tyranny from our very own government, is that not newsworthy enough, doesn’t sell enough papers, proves right here that our press has a right wing bias and we will never get the truth out of anyone, that is why we should keep the pressure on and make them tell us the truth, the whole truth!

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