Important advice for families of ‘wrongly’ deceased benefit claimants

Anne-Marie O’Sullivan, whose father’s case established a causal link between the DWP’s work capability assessment and the deaths of benefit claimants – more than a year BEFORE the DWP started denying that any such link existed.
Last week’s revelation that a coroner directly linked a man’s death to his treatment by the Department for Work and Pensions should make a huge difference – but only if more people who have been affected by our homicidal system act to change it.
Catalina Devandas Aguilar, the UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities, is expected to visit the UK in the coming months to spearhead an inquiry into claims that Britain is guilty of ‘grave or systematic violations’ of the rights of the disabled – and anyone who has lost a family member due to a poor work capability assessment is encouraged to contribute to that inquiry.
It is particularly important that Anne-Marie O’Sullivan, whose father Michael was found to have died because of the DWP’s current system, should take part, in the opinion of This Writer.
She – along with anyone else who has lost a family member due to the tick-box, non-medical, work capability assessment – is entitled to procure a copy of the deceased’s full DWP and Work Capability Assessment (WCA) files, and request sight of the Coroner’s report from HM Coroner, not from the DWP.
These documents should be sent, along with a covering explanatory letter requesting that UN officials investigate the case for possible human rights violations, to:
United Nations Human Rights
Jorge Araya
Secretary of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Groups in Focus Section
Human Rights Treaties Division
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
OHCHR-Palais des Nations,
8-14 Avenue de la Paix,
CH-1211 Geneva 10,
E-mail: [email protected]
It won’t bring anybody’s relative back, but it could help prevent the loss of thousands more.
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How very important this message is to everyone concerned, I do hope people will heed this vital message from VP. Will try and forward this to as many people I know, it can help prevent any more of these murders by our own government.and suffering to the many.
what happened to the petition about duncan smith he has got away with these atrocities for far too long he needs to be jailed
We live in a country where justice stops working as it should once you’ve attained the rank of useful establishment lackey, or establishment scrounger in IDS’s case, in pursuit of the corporate takeover.
Currently at 38k signatures. Needs another 62k.
Is there any charge for requesting coroners reports? (Just wondered as this might prevent some reports being released – in which case crowdsourcing or similar might be an option). Please share sign..PPLITICS FOR THE PEOPLE
The news that a UN Special Rapporteur is visiting UK is most welcome. Our wicked government ignores all criticism, so it is only the involvement of the UN which could force our Government of “Animal Farm meets Big Brother” PIGS and PIG LOVERS to change their ways. Long overdue!
Whilst sadly many have lost their lives to this barbaric system, many more have suffered and been found fit for work without even a face to face assessment or seeing any of the personally medical notes, whilst some have the support to help fight this many don’t. I know I’m one
Midge, me too, nobody will help me fight this either. Nobody has believed me or understands the scam. If your Decision Notice applied regulation 29, then you too should be in the Support Group. Most websites will tell you otherwise. IDS plans to scrap the WCA and finish off the stragglers like us, ill, disabled, isolated and vulnerable.
I hope this Jorge Araya actually does investigate into what is really going on over here and isn’t just paying us lip service and in the end does bugger all, time something was done about these b*****ds and if it’s up to the UN to do it, then I’m all for it!
I hope this Jorge Araya actually does some good and exposes the truth about what these b*****ds are really doing and getting away with, which is murder!