BBC’s Stephen Sackur accuses Tories of spreading propaganda about Jeremy Corbyn

Last Updated: September 24, 2015By

Sue Jones makes a very important point – that the Conservative Government, having refused to share military and intelligence information, is attempting to exercise totalitarian control over what should be democratic decision-making.

What can we do to reverse this policy?

Sackur said that as soon as Corbyn was elected, the Conservatives “issued propaganda” suggesting that Corbyn is a threat to national security. He also pointed directly to the government’s fundamental lack of accountability, transparency and democracy in the unprecedented move to refuse to share military and intelligence information, which is conventionally shared with the leader of the opposition.

Blunt simply confirmed Stephen Sackur’s point about the government’s lack of democracy, accountability and transparency.

Sackur exposed the rank hypocrisy of a government that claims to be democratic, yet does not tolerate parties with differing views, nor does it invite or engage in dialogue and critical debate, choosing instead to exercise  totalitarian control over what ought to be democratic decision-making, the will and thoughts of others, including the public that a government is meant to serve.

Source: BBC’s Stephen Sackur accuses Tories of spreading propaganda about Jeremy Corbyn, and of being unaccountable and undemocratic | Politics and Insights

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  1. Nick September 24, 2015 at 12:12 pm - Reply

    As i have stated mike the uk conservatives are just like the saudi government to a tee hence the warm relationship always on offer despite slagging them off for their human rights abuses whose abuses i may add are no worse then ours

    the only abuses going on between the two countries only effect the sick and disabled and the lower classes for everyone else like the uk it’s the bees knees

    You will find at some point that all these wars and disruption are all down to the conservatives both here and in the middle east and the conservative tony Blair

    that’s why he took over as the middle eastern envoy when he left government as to be one of the controllers of the region

    now look at it when over the next 5 years up to 15 million will be seeking refugee status and over the next 10 years up to 50 million with the complete wipe out of some of the countries leaving huge voids to be filled by whoever wants to start the countries back up again

    in reality they will just be ghost countries forever and a day

  2. marcusdemowbray September 24, 2015 at 12:31 pm - Reply

    Excellent words. At last what I have been saying almost since CaMoron got into power is now being openly stated in the media. This Tyranny has reduced people’s access to Legal representation, clashed with the Law, the Church, Parliament, BBC and any one (individual or organisation) whose views do not tally with approved ones. CaMoron is too thick and to busy being an arrogant divisive “PIG” to understand that a DEMOCRACY has to tolerate and respect a wide range of opinions.

  3. mohandeer September 24, 2015 at 12:47 pm - Reply

    The real threat to National Security are the right wingers of Labour and Tory govt. Had they not decided that “Assad must go” then the US use of “moderate” terrorists trained in the US and deployed against the Syrian peoples to foment activism and violence, the vacuum they created which ISIS took advantage of, would not have happened. The US/EU created the problem for their own interests only, with no thought or care for the millions of Syrian lives they destroyed. There are many States in the Middle East with administrations far more cruel and murderous than Assad, yet they remain US allies. There are many more monstrous tyrants throughout the world, far more degenerate than Assad, but they were not targeted. Why not? This was another intended coup for profit that went wrong, again, like so many the imperialists have embarked on. The US is now the main sponsor of terrorism with the UK coming in a close second with Turkey, Israel, Saudi and the other Arab Spring countries. David Cameron must explain why he co-sponsored this war on Assad to the British people, preferably without the lies accompanied by so many previous excuses. Labour Right and the Tories started this conflagration deliberately and we the people are required to carry the consequences and take in the subsequent refugees. That is WRONG.

  4. mrmarcpc September 24, 2015 at 2:39 pm - Reply

    Ssssh Stephen, do you want the the far right BBC to know that you’re not one of them and to lose your job, quiet man, quiet!

  5. hugosmum70 September 24, 2015 at 3:10 pm - Reply

    wouldnt expect anything different from such low life rats.

  6. hugosmum70 September 24, 2015 at 3:10 pm - Reply

    sorry i meant the govt..not corbyn

  7. wildthing666 September 25, 2015 at 9:42 am - Reply

    Corbyn never was and never has been a threat to anyone but the conservative party! The conservatives are the threat to the entire nation, they are taking the country backward while selling off anything of value to their friends

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