Cameron’s lies show he must go NOW, not later – and all the other Tories with him

The message is: The UK is huge. Cameron is small. His Tory party is smaller still. They are not strong. He is not a leader.
David Cameron took to the stage and lied bare-faced to a no-doubt hand-picked audience of hired-handclaps in the finale of one of the most heavily stage-managed – read fake – Conservative Party conferences in history.
Not for the Tories, the open debate and honest disagreements of Labour! Even Boris Johnson’s dissent over tax credits was a cynical piece of attempted-press-manipulation (he voted in favour of the plan to cut tax credits a few weeks ago).
So Cameron mouthed a series of lies, platitudes and nonsenses similar to those of George Osborne and Iain Duncan Smith on Monday and Tuesday.
“The British people are decent, sensible, reasonable, and they just want a government that supports the vulnerable, backs those who do the right thing and helps them get on in life. Good jobs; a decent home; better childcare; controlled immigration; lower taxes so there’s more money at the end of the month; an NHS that’s there for them, seven days a week; great schools; dignity in retirement,” he said – and that’s probably about right. But then he said: “That is what people want and that is what we will deliver.” A monstrous lie.
Cameron’s government:
- Attacks the vulnerable (look at tax credits if you like, or the row over the many deaths of incapacity benefits claimants that could have been avoided if Cameron and Iain Duncan Smith had wanted to);
- Backs tax fraudsters (the HSBC scandal);
- Offers poor, zero-hours-contract jobs;
- Pushes the poor out of their homes (bedroom tax).
- The UK has been rocked by huge paedophile scandals on Cameron’s watch;
- The Conservatives have failed to control immigration;
- Lower taxes mean fewer public services because the money isn’t there to pay for them. The main beneficiaries are the very rich;
- The NHS is facing its biggest-ever crisis thanks to Tory mismanagement – which is all part of Cameron’s plan;
- Our schools are being sold off to private companies who intend to profit from them – your child’s education is of secondary interest; and
- The Tories are being encouraged to cut benefits for pensioners – who will either be dead by 2020 (because of the removal of their benefits?) or will have forgotten who robbed them.
So Cameron’s first claim about the joy of Conservative government was a tenfold lie. It’s impressive – for all the wrong reasons.
And he knows he’s on shaky ground now. A new power has risen in the Labour Party to challenge the basis on which Cameron’s policies are founded – and did exactly that, on the doorstep of the Tory conference, this week.
So Cameron attacked Jeremy Corbyn with all the venom he could muster: “Thousands of words have been written about the new Labour leader. But you only really need to know one thing: he thinks the death of Osama bin Laden was a ‘tragedy. No. A tragedy is nearly 3,000 people murdered one morning in New York.” He was saying that Jeremy Corbyn is soft on terrorists and unsympathetic to their victims. Another lie.
Jeremy Corbyn wanted Osama Bin Laden to face justice for his many crimes. He wanted the man to pay for all the deaths he caused, and he wanted the terrorist alive to provide details of his network of co-conspirators.
By attacking Corbyn’s stance, David Cameron was in fact saying that both he and the Conservative Party support the murder of Bin Laden, rather than his capture, and that they are glad Bin Laden’s co-conspirators were allowed to continue, in freedom – perhaps to form IS or Boko Haram.
But we all knew that Cameron is a liar.
So here’s a statement that he made in the belief that it is true (we have to assume he intended to lie with the others): “I’m starting the second half of my time in this job.”
For the good of the United Kingdom – and the wider world – we must work hard to turn that statement into a lie.
Cameron doesn’t deserve to be Prime Minister of Britain for the next five minutes, let alone the next five years.
But the only way to get him out is to attack him, on every level, at all times, and all together.
Expecting someone else to do the heavy lifting won’t be any good at all.
So why not start by reading Cameron’s speech – The Guardian has a transcript here – and then getting in touch with your local newspapers, MP, TV stations, and Cameron himself and raising any or all of the moments at which he lied to the nation.
Put them all on notice. We know they are not to be trusted.
We know they have to go.
We have to make sure that happens soon.
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Well conference season is over and normal service (whatever that is) will be resumed shortly.
Seemingly unscathed by recent events, The Tories, under considerable delusion, think they are in an excellent position.
2016 will be an important year for all parties, especially in Wales and Scotland.
Jeremy Corbyn will face a tough test, and any loss of seats (loss of control of the Welsh Assembly a real possibility)
means that Blairites and their “friends” will more than likely see a chance to unseat Corbyn.
Europe, with all it’s refugee problems, could well see an interesting referendum result, cue problems for all parties no matter how it turns out.
With regards to the conference protests, it is only a few thousand more (depending on whose estimates are correct) than who descend on Old Trafford for a Manchester United home game.
Easily brushed off by The Tories.
IDS is still in his post, Tax Credit cuts, Social Security and NHS destruction and demonisation of the vulnrable all continue and only a small percentage of the population raised a voice, Chirstmas has really come early for Conservative HQ.
it was all lies mike and bears no resemblance of what the past 5 years have been about but like all of his ilk he delivered the message well to hall full off wealth
i could have done the same and still got a standing ovation anyone could of as that’s conservatism you do all the work and i’ll sit ideally by and do nothing
The conservative party conference was like a Nuremberg rally.
what a load of botox they talk………
In total agreement with your summary Mike – The Tories need to go soon; as far as I’m aware that can only come from a vote of No Confidence? In which case it has to be time for ALL groups to begin collaborating on that ONE Issue?
Another election might just see them back. Lynton Crosby is their main weapon and a more unscrupulous man is hard to imagine.
The fact that they were literally ringed into their Conference Centre by a huge steel fence shows that they know just how deeply unpopular they are, and that they are despised and loathed by the vast majority of people.
Yes, deeply unpopular, but with a working majority based on just over a third of the votes cast. Time for AV?
Manipulating Corbyn’s comments is nothing short of lying to the public but then that is this party’s method of covering its own selfish undemocratic mismanagement of this country. We need a return to proper democratic management which means an honest, fair and respectful management for all and not one full of pomp and false pride.
They just lie all the time and hope enough people are stupid enough to believe them. It is time for them to go so that Jeremy can build large numbers of council houses for those that really need them. They will never do that of course as their banker friends would not be able to sell so many mortgages.
You can’t polish a t**d but in Cameron’s case glitter will always stick.
They can go, that’s for sure and they wouldn’t be missed, but they’d only be replaced by more other accomplished liars. No shortage of them in politics and in the tory party in particular.
That’s why the headline is that Cameron must go, and all the Tories with him.
But how do you see this happening? I get all the noise & anger being translated into street protests, and HoC opposition debates, but how do we get a vote in the HoC to bring them down? What is the issue you think will be the killer strike? Poverty and tax credits are right up there but I’m not sure that would be enough.
All the tories should go now, they should never have come back in the first place, all they’ve done is what they usually do, wreck everything and sell everything off for a profit and leave the country in a right bloody mess, they lie, cheat, steal and brainwash the masses of the land and get away with it for a while until they do something which wakes up the dopes of our country into realising that the tories are no good and have done them and the nation no good but by that time it’s too late, the damage is done and whoever takes over has to spend their time repairing the damage the tories made.