Cost of replacing Trident has doubled to £167bn. Does anybody want it at that price?

Last Updated: October 25, 2015By
A Trident Vanguard-class submarine [Image: PA].

A Trident Vanguard-class submarine [Image: PA].

So now Trident is twice as unaffordable as it was before, and we still won’t be able to use it without permission from the USA.

And the Tories still want it – one presumes because it would allow them to continue thinking of the UK as a ‘World Power’, whatever that might be.

They’ll be wanting to make more cuts to the benefit system to pay for it, though. Perhaps that’s why there’s suddenly a lot of talk about pensions…

The overall cost of replacing Britain’s Trident nuclear weapons system would be £167bn, double previous credible estimates, according to new calculations based on official figures.

The Reuters news agency reports that a replacement would cost nearly double the proportion the defence budget as its predecessor.

Ministers have previously suggested the cost could be as low as £20bn, but this calculation is widely believed to exclude various other factors.

Source: The cost of replacing Trident is really £167bn, new figures suggest | UK Politics | News | The Independent

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  1. Bill Kruse October 25, 2015 at 6:42 pm - Reply

    It’s more probable the Tories want to keep it as a way of shoveling taxpayers’ money to their corporate American friends who’ll subsequently be rewarding them with directorships, consultancies etc.

  2. john ingamells (@geovanni218) October 25, 2015 at 6:57 pm - Reply

    Austerity Britain. Trident is the equivalent of us having to have a massive expensive sports car. Or the big flash swimming pool. It’s the measuring and comparing of genitals in a world where we are indoctrinated by the ideology of Tory austerity. We all know we are nobodies in the world now, clinging onto the UKIP idea of return to empire when in reality we need to sell England off bit by bit to the Chinese, French and anyone other country with desires to increase its standing by conning people like Osborne into believing we are ‘partners’ Think how many nurses and care provisions for our old and infirm £167 billion would pay for?

  3. Joan Edington October 26, 2015 at 12:53 pm - Reply

    On the basis of EVEL, where Heathrow’s runway system will be decreed an English-only matter, despite being a National Project with Scottish taxes going towards it, maybe, as has been mooted by some, Trident should be a Scottish-only issue since it lives in our waters. Obvious innit?

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