The bad news ministers tried to bury today

Last Updated: December 17, 2015By

Here are just some of the inconvenient stories we’ve managed to fish out of the Christmas skip.
1. The bedroom tax isn’t working
2. Court fees to rise
3. The cost of the Spadocracy – £9 million per year
4. Ministerial cars – £2 million per year
5. Badger bloodbath
6. School cuts – per-pupil funding will fall by up to 1.5 per cent next year.

Read more: The bad news ministers tried to bury today

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  1. shelley hutchings December 17, 2015 at 8:01 pm - Reply

    My dear nanny worked her butt off for tories all her life. I remember as a small child helping out at the conservative hall with her. My grandfather cursed all tories to hell, because when she was unable to walk to the above mentioned hall (where she’d slaved unpaid because she believed with her soul for the cause) and they promised to give her a lift in one of their cars to the above mentioned hall to vote for them, and no one came…She believed them, thought ‘the tories’ would come for her until five to ten. It broke her heart…

    He also said she could just have easily been a labour lady…

    Were she here today.

    She would be…

  2. Michael Broadhurst December 17, 2015 at 9:21 pm - Reply

    that says it all about the Tories,to use you as it suits them,then throw you away like an oily rag when you are no longer any use to them.

  3. chriskitcher December 17, 2015 at 9:23 pm - Reply

    never believe a Tory they are all inveterate liars

  4. Mr.Angry December 18, 2015 at 6:58 am - Reply

    The downside we all know it’s going to get worse, what goes on their warped minds is baffling,can they not admit at least they have cocked up on the bedroom tax.

    Sadly their arrogance is such they could not admit they are wrong, goes against the distorted beliefs.

    Let us hope this warm weather continues so most of us can stay warm at least for a while.

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