Yesterday’s man speaks: ‘Divisive’ Corbyn will wreck Labour’s chances, says Mandelson

Last Updated: December 31, 2015By

What a lot of codswallop.

Jeremy Corbyn’s policies are very, very far from being “hard left”, as this relic of Labour’s truly-divisive venture into neoliberalism wants to suggest.

In fact, by doing so, Mandelson is showing where his own sympathies lie: with the Conservative Government.

He is a symbol of the privilege that should never have been allowed to seep into Labour’s psyche – and that caused the party to haemorrhage votes between 1997 and 2015.

His claim that “Corbyn’s key instrument of power is unique in the party’s history – a whole new membership and set of registered supporters who are massively outnumbering longstanding members in very many constituencies” deliberately misses the point – that these are people coming back to Labour after a long period of disillusionment with the pale-Blue policies pushed by Mandelson and his cosy club of friends.

Shame on The Guardian for publishing this tripe.

Lord Mandelson writes in an article for the Guardian: “We have a leader who is revealing himself to be an intentionally divisive figure, abetted by organisations outside the party’s democratic structures and intent on splitting the party between the hard left and its centre ground.

“For Corbyn, pursuing his own far-left agenda and risking Labour civil war is a higher priority than taking on the Tories.”

He adds: “Whether or not the much-vaunted ‘revenge’ reshuffle happens – and I hope for the sake of the party Corbyn drops his plans – allowing two weeks of speculation when he could easily have killed it was clearly designed to remind his colleagues of their vulnerability.”

He asserts: “Through him, the hard left is beginning to exert a more suffocating grip on our party.”

Source: ‘Divisive’ Corbyn will wreck Labour’s chances, says Mandelson | Politics | The Guardian

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  1. jaynel62 December 31, 2015 at 12:14 pm - Reply

    It’s time these stirrers should be forced out of the Party – they speak for No one but themselves

    • Krishna Lathia-James December 31, 2015 at 4:05 pm - Reply

      Sickening is all I can muster. They live different lives to us!

  2. Rupert Mitchell (@rupert_rrl) December 31, 2015 at 12:29 pm - Reply

    It is precisely because of views like his that so many are returning to Labour

  3. AndyH December 31, 2015 at 12:35 pm - Reply

    Is this the same Peter Mandleson who last held elected office in 2004?

  4. chazzo15 December 31, 2015 at 2:21 pm - Reply

    Mandelson is a Rothschild Zionist, enough said. Quite how he hasn’t been kicked into touch by the Labour Party is beyond me .. .

    • Mike Sivier January 1, 2016 at 1:26 pm - Reply

      No, enough has not been said.
      Citation needed.

  5. Terry Davies December 31, 2015 at 3:11 pm - Reply

    I have news for Mandelson hes a has been tory in many labour voters eyes. The labour party has always had left wing values.
    Tony Blair was wrong to bring the likes of him and other right wingers into the party. they have been divisive and confusing for members and voters. You espouse values most dont want.
    The likes of you Blair, and brown comandeered the party for your own political gain.
    Corbyn is just taking it away from you and other closet tories.

  6. hayfords December 31, 2015 at 3:19 pm - Reply

    Mandelson is right. Corbyn only has the support of around 20 Labour MPs. His election to leader was achieved by a number voting for him that represents 1/2% of the electorate. Corbyn is popular in social media and the Twittersphere in particular, but that is a very inward looking, insular and self selecting group. He stands not the slightest chance of being elected PM. Maybe he imagines that when he goes (probably in 2016) that a more acceptable left wing leader may get the job.

    • Mike Sivier January 1, 2016 at 1:25 pm - Reply

      The fact that you, a Tory, support Mandelson speaks volumes about that man’s position on the political spectrum.
      I have it from a member of the shadow cabinet that Corbyn has the support of all but around 20 Labour MPs – and before anybody parades the 66 who voted for airstrikes in front of us, let’s all bear in mind that this was a free vote, up to each member’s conscience, and Corbyn still won a higher percentage of his party to his side than Tony Blair did over the proposal to go to war in Iraq.
      What proportion of the electorate voted for David Cameron to be leader of the Conservative Party? And what has happened to Tory Party membership since 2005? I’ll tell you. He had 134,446 votes in the popular ballot, meaning 0.2 per cent of the general population (64,511,000) voted for him – that would be 0.3 per cent of the current electorate(44,312,529). Jeremy Corbyn won 251,417 votes in the popular ballot, meaning 0.38 per cent of the general population voted for him, or 0.56 per cent of the current electorate – making him nearly twice as popular a choice as Dim Dave.
      In 2005, the Conservative Party had around 300,000 members. Current estimates, based on party press releases and media reports, suggest more than half those members have walked away, leaving only 149,800. Thanks to Jeremy Corbyn, Labour membership has increased from around 270,000 to 370,658 in October, according to The Independent newspaper.
      Whichever way you look at it, Corbyn has the popular support, not Cameron.

  7. mohandeer December 31, 2015 at 3:45 pm - Reply

    Mandelson and his clique of elitists is everything that’s wrong with Labour and the real reason Labour lost the last two elections. He and his ilk, and there are many, have absolutely nothing in common with 20 million people in this country who are not “doing alright” and do not earn in excess of 23k.It is his kind that turned people away from Labour by turning his back on those worthless nobodies he considers us to be.I truly wish the Blairites and right wing elitists would storm out and form their own democratic (joke) peoples party which would at least give the real Labour Party a chance to move onward and upward. They threaten it, but very few would be willing to give up their precious position, it wouldn’t be in THEIR best interests.

  8. chriskitcher December 31, 2015 at 3:56 pm - Reply

    This bloody Tory makes me sick. His destruction of Labour vales only plays into the hands of Piggy Camoron and his herd of swine.

  9. shaun December 31, 2015 at 9:06 pm - Reply

    These Tory-lite enthusiasts have sold the vast majority of British people to plutocrats, the City of London and multi-national corporations. Personally, I’m not sure whether these supposed Labour supporters believed in what they said or just said whatever increased their own personal value/ wealth most.

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